Friday, May 31, 2013

Consumer Debt Relief That Works. 10 Days To New Income.

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Consumer Debt Relief That Works. 10 Days To New Income.
Consumer debt relief that works. 10 Days to New Income. Consumer Debt Relief Has NeverBeen More Simple!Learn How To Build A BusinessThat Generates Passive Income On A Subject You Love A special message fromAuthor, Richard Gorham. Regardless of how much debt you have, you CAN overcome it. You may be stunned to learn that "financial crisis" is not necessarily the result of having too much debt. Most people mistakenly believe they're in a "debt crisis". In truth, they are actually suffering from an "income crisis"; a basic lack of income. Don't get me wrong - debt is dumb, and I despise it. As a result of carrying too much debt, millions of households are only one missed paycheck away from a spirit-crushing financial tail-spin Hi, I'm Richard Gorham, financial expert and "former" debt-ridden consumer. I understand firsthand what it's like to feel scared and out-of-control with my money. But I found a way to overcome my money problems, and I explain it step-by-step in "10 Days to New Income" - an Audio/Ebook course that can SET YOU FREE! But first, I want to address something head on... While you are certainly entitled to express feelings of fear, panic and even stupidity (Yes, I felt that way too.) - YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO LET THOSE DESTRUCTIVE EMOTIONS HOLD YOU BACK! It's time to move forward and "CHOOSE" your financial destiny. "This past August I was able to quit that stinkin' 9 to 5 job - and it would NOT have been possible without my online revenue streams. When I was working and gas prices were through the roof, I was spending $45 USD every 6 days to fill my car with gas. Now I save on that and all the other business expenses (clothes, lunches out, etc.). Now I can volunteer at my son's school and I have much more time to develop my business. This system has truly created a win-win situation for my family, especially in this difficult economy!" --Tracy, Business Owner Will you choose to continue the life you've been living - a victim of circumstance, feelings as if you're continually falling on "hard times"b Truth be told, aren't you tired of being sick and tired, living paycheck to paycheck, just getting byb Are you finally ready to stand up and stake your claim to the debt-free life you were born to leadb If you are 100% ready to improve your personal and financial life, then Hang On! I'm going to show you how to conquer your debt using a proven systematic means of making unlimited streams of new income - even in your spare time. You don't have to take my word for it - I'll provide proof-positive results that are 100% verifiable! Discover how you can grant yourself immunity from financial disaster. THAT is exactly what I did, and there's no reason why you can't do the same. So Stop Cursing Yourself.... MOST FOLKS ARE BROKE It's a sad (no, despicable) fact that America, more than any civilized country on the planet, has foolishly lived beyond it's means to the point that we have weighed our country down with a gigantic albatross of debt - to the tune of over 10 trillion dollars! It's true - America's most destructive drug of choice.... is DEBT. Everyone wonders, "What the hell are our politicians doingb" I firmly believe that our elected officials are doing exactly what most American households are doing - THEY'RE SPENDING MORE THAN THEY MAKE. (It's as if EVERYONE has forgotton how to add or subtract!) Let's face it - "Normal" is not something you want to aspire to. It's time to do something different, dare I say.. something BOLD. Immunize your household from financial crisis. CASH - is the one-and-only, all-natural "remedy". MORE MONEY is the one thing that is guaranteed to seek out and destroy the "disease" known as Debt. Shock all your broke neighbors by actually owning your "toys" free and clear. Create a life full of joy and prosperity - free from monthly payments. A“Since starting this amazing journey, I have built a passive income stream that I am very proud of at 20 years of age, and that none of my peers really understand. Their only way of thinking is to 'get a job' or 'study and then get a job'. My online business means the world to me and I feel like IA’m just getting started. Now that IA’ve tasted success, my future is looking bright, and feels very secure. Life is good!A” --Julien, Owner & Webmaster IMAGINE FOR A MOMENT... how your life would be different if you doubled (or even tripled) your income, and you were literally debt-free! I know.. it's difficult to comprehend. I know because that's exactly how I felt when I was bogged down in my own financial mess. My personal finances were seemingly dark at the time, it was impossible to believe I could ever overcome the financial burdens that were haunting me. Thankfully, I didn't give up... and, I was ready to roll up my sleeves and do whatever I could to "raise my financial identity". I didn't want to be "that guy" who blames everyone else for his mis-fortune, yet does nothing to change his circumstance. Looking back, I now realize that "NOBODY HAS TO BE THAT PERSON"! In "10 Days to New Income" I will take you by the hand for over 5 hours on live audio; walking you through the exact program I used (and continue to use) to tap into New Income opportunities. As my income increased I was able to pay off debt in a fraction of the time it would have otherwise taken. NEW Audiobook & Ebook Course Make "Believers" Out of Anyone Who Ever Doubted You Once you experience the money-making mindshift that will occur (just ask any of our "New Income" graduates), there will be no more self-imposed limits to what you can accomplish. It's time to progress beyond the empty excuses. You are capable of doing everything in life you ever dreamed of doing as a teenager.. and more! MONEY provides opportunity and unlimited options, in virtually every area of your life. Even if you've BLOWN IT BIG TIME in the past, you can quickly silence your detractors and prove that you have what it takes to DREAM BIG & WIN ON A MASSIVE SCALE. In fact, the benefits you receive from 10 Days to New Income are nothing short of amazing. Soon you'll fully understand why... New Income Streams Are The Great Equalizer! Debt does not define you - how you "respond" to your money challenges will. In addition to making more money and gaining the insight to free yourself from paralyzing debt, you'll enjoy, learn and grow from the following life-changing benefits: Discover how to escape your fear of financial disaster. Learn how to re-focus your energy toward creating unlimited wealth. Explore literally hundreds of 'verifiable' examples of real people who devoured this program. Each one is proof-positive that you can shatter your self-imposed income ceiling. STOP the pain, frustration and embarrassment of 'just getting by'. Develop endless sources of cash - equal to owning a private ATM. Move beyond endless consumption. Learn how to fill your life with the people and experiences that are meaningful. Reveal your true life purpose and profit from your passion. Turn the tables on your creditors. Never again be a slave to a lender. Live by the creed 'Cash Is King!' and always have enough money on hand to cover any emergency or unexpected expense. Begin living life on your own terms - obligated to no one. Develop bullet-proof confidence in your ability to create jaw-dropping income. (Ignore the nay-sayers and change your life according to how you want to live.) Triumph over what mass marketers sell, and society accepts, as 'normal'. Learn first-hand from 'income insiders' who know the ropes to wealth, and are willing to show you how they satisfied their craving for financial independence. "New Income" graduates never shy away from their mailbox. They no longer fear receiving countless bills or collection notices... Instead, they RACE to the post office to collect their "mail money" - consisting of checks sent to them from their various "new income" profit centers. Great rewards come to those who choose to run TOWARD their challenges - versus avoiding issues that only get worse if not boldly faced head on. NOW is the time to break free from the chains of low expectations. Doing nothing only ensures that you remain a slave to your creditors for decades to come. DON'T LET THAT HAPPEN TO YOU! Take action today and change your financial future in one single moment of decision. Doing Nothing Costs You Dearly Consider the amount of your current debt to be the cost of your financial education. I've even heard of it referred to as paying your "IDIOT TAX", but don't be offended, we've all paid our fair share. The important thing to remember is that you must learn from your mistakes in order to successfully move forward. The cost of this program, "10 Days to New Income" is nothing compared to the value you will receive. The real-life case studies provide hope, inspiration and PROOF POSITIVE EXAMPLES that will light a fire right where you need it the most! And in case you're sceptacle (like I was), let me assure you - this is NOT some sort of get-rich-quick program, and it does not promote multi-level-marketing schemes. 10 Days to New Income is, well.... different... a better option... a real answer to your prayers. This program changed my life, and I know if can do the same for you. The Chapter Titles Provide A Glimpse Inside... 10 Days to New Income doesn't just promise "empty theories". You'll learn the step-by-step how-to's of solving serious money matters by taking your income to a whole new level. If you do as you are instructed each step along the way, this system will work. I'm so confident that you will succeed that I'm even willing to eliminate all your risk. (More on that in a moment) The system works because it's simple. You will succeed because the program is based on your unique passion or special interest. Furthermore, I'm confident in your success because my course gets to the heart of your two main money problems: Too much debt! Not enough Income! Bottom lineb 10 Days to New Income is a surefire plan of attack. The audio/ebook course provides anyone who is willing to apply the steps with the means of "renewing" your financial dreams. WHAT Financial Crisisb "I think the economy & high gas prices are causing more people to stay at home - which means more Internet surfing time, which means more visitors to my online business. I have decided to leave my regular job to work at home full time. My "new income" is increasing about 20% each month (you can't get that anywhere else!). THANK YOU!" Suzanne, Online Entrepreneur WARNING! You May Not Be Ready For This Yet I hate to be the one to say this so "directly", but the fact is that you are either READY and WILLING to change your financial reality - or... you're NOT! ONLY YOU KNOW FOR SURE. Some people reading this may "secretly" like the attention they get from their friends and family members, who continue to enable their poor money habits. These well-meaning loved ones generously provide the financial "abuser" with ever-so-sensitive excuses for why they "just aren't good with money". WAKE UP! If wallowing in this sort of non-sense is "soothing" to you, then... all the best to you. However, if you're finally ready to Stand Up and Be The Adult In The Room - then, well... you know what you need to do. Listen To People Like You, Who've Been Where You Are Be honest with yourself. Until now, you've over-indulged - you've bought everything you wanted - AND MORE. In fact, you probably rationalized reasons to support why those "wants" were actually "needs". Completing my program won't eliminate all of your self-indulgent "wants", but it's high time you start getting what you want without having to pay for it with a credit card that charges you a ridiculous 24%! Again, DEBT is not your problem -- your most serious issue is a basic lack of income. Here's a few more examples of regular folks (just like you and I) who have overcome their debt challenge by created new income sources for their household... Nick Stubbs, The success of my online business has most definitely stopped us from getting further into debt as our family has grown. I used to be a real credit freak; buying anything on credit just to have it, such as cameras, electronic gadgets, etc. Now the only debt we have is our home mortgage and we are lucky enough to be in a position that if the kids need anything, we can use our new income, to fund those needs. Enroll today to learn how Nick does it all! Nancy - As a full time hair stylist I never had time to pursue opportunities to create a secondary income, (or so I thought). Today my new business not only provides my family with an excellent secondary income (which we are using to pay off our debt and student loans) - but our success has also inspired us to create additional new income opportunities. My new business allows us to pursue other personal and professional interests. Enroll today to replicate Nancy's results. Judd Burdon, Before, I was working long hours and not making much money; I was highly stressed and always under financial pressure. Now, I can work from whatever location in the world I choose; achieving my dreams and goals online. Before, I was living in cold Canada, and now, my home is in the Caribbean on the Island of Anguilla. Whatever you do, don't let anyone, or anything hold you back. YOU CAN achieve your dreams, whatever they may be. Enroll today to create new income like Judd! Seriously, if you are teetering on the edge of taking action - STOP teetering and PULL THE TRIGGER! That's what I did, and I've never looked back. Remember, I've been where you are - and more importantly, I know where you can be, IF you choose to act promptly. It's a tragedy, but too often readers get this far, then fail to act. Even though they KNOW this is something special, they hesitate because they're scared to change. I believe that if you've read this far, you know in your heart what you must do in order to BEGIN TO WIN financially. Don't let "indecision" force you back into the dark and shameful pergatory of never-ending debt. At this point you're 99% of the way to a better life and a brighter future. The difference between you and your broke neighbors is that last 1% - the personal choice to free yourself from debt and claim the financial future you deserve. "Richard, I had a friend email me just yesterday. She talked about the economy and how bad things are - how slow her sales are. I've been so busy lately with other things that my website is on auto-pilot - and the earnings still roll in, toppling over the previous month's record. My husband retires in 4 years and is starting to think of his first online business. Because he's not planning on "retiring from life" - he's decided to pursue his lifelong passions online, while making additional money at the same time. This program has opened our eyes to infinite money-making opportunities, and.. it's FUN!" Lori Ramsey, Owner Have You Thought For Even A Split SecondHow Intensely Satisfying It Would BeTo Possess This Kind Of Inside Knowledgeb Most people who build a business make a huge financial commitment upfront, long before their first dollar is earned. Start up costs for traditional businesses are enormous! The beauty of what I teach in 10 Days to New Income is that it doesn't have to be that way. Today we enjoy the luxury of technology, which has become so advanced that virtually ANYONE with a GOOD IDEA and MOTIVATION can make great money. I LOVE THE INTERNET... because it allows you to create real, honest-to-goodness, profitable businesses that add value to people's lives, without all the risk that is otherwise required when opening a traditional "storefront" business. DOING BUSINESS ONLINESAVES YOU THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS! In 10 Days to New Income you learn how to build highly profitable businesses without taking on huge risk. Sleep peacefully as money funnels into your bank account. ZERO SALARY EXPENSE - You don't need a team of people to make great money online. Eventually, you may choose to outsource tasks in order to increase production, but not until you are earning significant monthly income. ZERO INVENTORY COSTS - No need to fill your garage and every spare room with boxes of inventory. Even if you are selling a product, that doesn't mean you ever have to touch it. 100% TIME FLEXIBILITY - Making money online is NOT a full time job (unless you want it to be). I'm perfectly satisfied with the cash I make working only in my spare ours. (I love what I do, so it doesn't even feel like work.) UNLIMITED EARNING POTENTIAL - Once you create your first new income stream, you'll be chomping at the bit to multiply your earnings. With this program you can easily replicate the rewards again and again! Discover Now 10 Days to New Income I have absolutely no hesitation is saying that my Audio/Ebook Course is worth hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars. However, my main objective is to share this life-changing information with as many people as possible. In an effort to get the word out and "pay forward" what I am so grateful to have discovered, I am discounting the standard price. THIS NEW RELEASE SPECIAL PRICE IS FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY. NO JOKE, THE SPECIAL WILL END! $97 You have an instant opportunity that will save you $50 off of the program's future price. Your net cost for this NEW RELEASE SPECIAL is only $47 This package includes the complete 5 hour, professionally produced, Audiobook as downloadable MP3 files (CD graphic provided for burning to a disk), the complete Ebook as a PDF file, plus the many benefits outlined earlier. Enroll Now Billed automatically to your credit or debit card. Some Very Important Things You Should Know *** Please Read This Carefully! *** I truly care about your financial future. I remember how it felt not so very long ago, when I was struggling with many of the same issues. I know this program can help you, possibly in ways that you can't even comprehend right now. Be honest with yourself... I'm guessing that what you've been doing up to this point in your life - ISN'T WORKING. Deep down, YOU KNOW YOU ARE BRIGHT AND INTELLIGENT, but you're feeling naive and stupid - for piling up so much debt, and for having so little to show for it. The fact that you have too much debt and too little income should not be a source of discouragement, embarrassment or worry... YOU CAN FIX IT! The solution to your money problems can be summed up by visualizing a #2 Yellow Pencil. Every pencil has an eraser on it for a reason - to ensure a FRESH START after making a mistake. 10 Days to New Income is the means by which you can erase your past financial mistakes and begin writing a new chapter in your life - one filled with new opportunity, rewarding new income and the ability to destroy your debt. (No, it won't happen overnight, but it will happen if you follow the steps provided.) "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointedby the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails! Explore. Dream. Discover." -- Mark Twain What About The Bonusesb Are you kidding meb Listen, if the benefits I listed above in bulletpoints aren't enough of a "BONUS" for you, then I dare say, "This might not be for you." Sure, I could throw in a bunch of over-used and virtually worthless Bonuses (just to complete the proverbial "checklist" for an effective sales letter) - but frankly, I believe doing that takes away from everything else I've shared with you thus far. PLUS, I refuse to do anything that might distract you from working through the "10 Days" material. THAT is where you need to be spending your time. If you've listened closely, I firmly believe you understand the true value of what I'm offering and I don't feel compelling to offer a collection of over-hyped so-called "bonuses". If my sales suffer as a result of this decision, so be it. My Promise to You My "guarantee" is my word.. and I take that very seriously. I am making you a simple promise... If 10 Days to New Income is not everything I've said it is, and if it doesn't for any reason transform the way you look at your finances, you can ask for a full and complete refund. YOU RISK NOTHING. Listen to the entire 5 hour program - take a full 60 days to turn the program inside out. If you aren't 100% satisfied with the 10 Days to New Income product, then I insist on returning your money. Fair enoughb I hope you think so. But again, if you honestly believe youre not receiving the full value that I have described, you get your money back. Simple as that. Guaranteed! 10 DAYS TO NEW INCOME You Don't Need Anyone's "Permission" To Make Outrageous Dreams Come True It's time to stop having non-producing thoughts such as; "I'm not sure I can do this." or "What will they think if I dob" - the decision is yours, no one elses. Break free from the financial bodybag that currently imprisons you. I'm here to say "Get your head up, your back straight and start walking tall as you begin an exciting journey - racing toward financial freedom. Replace the "cold sweat of debt" (that's been waking you up at night) with a warm - calm confidence, knowing you now possess the unfair advantage you've been seeking. Rest assured, Uncle Sam is NOT going to arrive at your doorstep to "bail you out". That's your job, and please believe me... you CAN handle it! How To Enroll Now Remember, this package includes the complete 5 hour, professionally produced, Audiobook as downloadable MP3 files (CD graphic provided for burning to a disk), and the complete Ebook as a PDF file, plus the life-changing Benefits. Get the entire program at our NEW RELEASE SPECIAL price. You receive the entire 10 Days to New Income course, valued at $97, for only $47. That's a savings of $50. Hurry, The Price Will Go Up But You Can Enroll Today For... Only $47 Join the hundreds, if not thousands, of ordinary hard-working people who have completely changed their lives doing exactly what I teach. Make the key decision today, to change your financial future. Families have been strengthened and marriages have been saved by those who decide to lead their household away from the perils of debt... and into a life of new income, new opportunities, and renewed hope. Try it for yourself, risk free. Enroll Now Billed automatically to your credit or debit card. I am committed to do my utmost to help you through these times of financial stress, and I stand here with the singular goal of your success in mind. I've worked hard to make it apparent to you that there is a big change coming in your life by the end of this program. Please, don't miss this opportunity. It's in the moments of decisionthat your destiny is determined. Choose wisely. To Your Success! -- Richard Gorham P.S. One other thing I feel compelled to tell you about. You know as well as I do that if you don't act now, odds are you never will. And if you do nothing - NOTHING WILL CHANGE. So I implore you, act now for your own sake. You're totally covered with the 60 day guarantee. P.S.S. Make today the day you tell your kids and grandkids about... the day that you took action to turn your life around and began building wealth. Think about it... just what will you be saying a year from nowb What about 5, 10 or 20 years from nowb My hope is that you have an amazing story to share. GO FOR IT! Start writing that wonderful story today - ENROLL NOW Richard Gorham, Owner 301 B Avenue La Grande, OR 97850 (503) 970-9777 Begin Living Again... PAY OFF THAT DEBT!Profit From Your Passion. Why Live Debt-Freeb Here's just a few great reasons why you should make the decision to get out of debt now: Debt is NOT your friend. It's not a wonderful "tool" for building wealth. That's a myth. Debt is dumb. It's purpose is to make creditors wealthy, not you. The Debtor is a slave to the lender. Real "freedom" is when YOU are in control of your money, and when your money is working for you. If all your income goes to making payments, you have no personal freedom to follow your dreams. When you eliminate your payments and use that money to save, you quickly begin building wealth. YOU CAN GET OUT OF DEBT... and start winning again. You CAN Do It! Folks Can't Say Enough... "I finally feel FREE! Free from the prison of an office, free from having to live in any particular place or country, and the freedom to live each day pursuing my passion. I am flying high while most of my friends and family risk being dragged down by the doom and gloom of the recession. Thanks so much."- Andy and Marcy - Alaska "I certainly can't predict the future, but I know that our new business holds the greatest potential for us to live the life we want... that is to be able to work a few hours a day on the business while having time to devote to our grandchildren, to travel, and to choose where and how we live! Bless you."- Karen - Alberta, Canada "I believe your mind has to be open to possibilities or you will not see them. My father-in-law always claimed that he was poor because he never had opportunities. I say he was poor because he was closed to the opportunities that were right in front of him. For anyone who is still not sure about buying the "10 Dyas" program, I would tell them to "see the opportunity". What you see is what you'll get."- Kenneth - New Mexico "The current economic panic often seems remote to us, unless we watch the news too much. Not that we're totally unaffected by what's going on but thanks to this program we stay way too busy to worry much about what's happening on Wall Street."- Jesse & Karen - London, England "In looking back on my life, the best things that have happened to me, were things that I simply stumbled upon, yet doors opened for me. Many times these doors opened during my darkest hours, when it seemed that all was lost. Now, I embrace dark hours. I think it means that a new opportunity is just ahead - and when the time is right, I will see it. Thanks for the open door. "- David J. - Washington D.C Why nowb uh, Why NOTb No matter what you do in life, always remember these words: "If you think you are beaten, you are. If you think you dare not, you don't. If you like to win, but you think you can't, it is almost certain you won't. If you think you'll lose, you've lost. For out of the world we find, success begins with a fellow's will - it's all in the state of mind. If you think you are outclassed, you are. You've got to think high to rise. You've got to be sure of yourself before you can ever win. Life's battles don't always go to the stronger or faster man, but sooner or later the man who wins - is the one... WHO THINKS HE CAN!" - Napoleon Hill Listen in the Car or Gym! Over Five Hours of,High Quality Audio! What People Are Saying... "A friend recently emailed me, talking about the economy and how bad things are. I let her know how well I'm doing with this program. While so many are getting laid off, my new income earnings are still rolling in, even surpassing over my prior month's record! "- Lorie - Arkansas "I have to admit I was skeptical about trying this program, but I am so Greatful I stumbled on to it! Even more so with the recent economic disaster. Thanks so much! "- Matt - Kentucky "With all the turmoil going on (people losing their jobs or about to), I've become much more aware of the fact that I can no longer depend on anyone besides myself to make my life better. The "10 Days" program has been a God-send."- Dale - Canada "These past months so many people have seen their retirement monies drastically reduced, and the likelihood of Social Security being around for long is slim to none. "10 Days to New Income" is hope for the future. As long as I keep at it, I know my income will continue to increase."- Lacy - California "The financial crisis has not worried me too much. My new income streams appear to be "recession proof" Can't thank you enough."- Caroline, North Carolina "As far as I'm concerned "10 Days" is my very own financial "bail out" program. My husband has survived 2 rounds of layoffs and 1 demotions. Almost daily he expresses his appreciation for the revenue I'm bringing in from home. Kudo's to YOU."- Melinda - New York "This program helps so many people become more self reliant - what an amazing gift. You are someone who is truly helping others to help themselves - and that makes this world a better place. Bravo!"- Sue, Oklahoma "I am so excited about my future now. My first income stream is starting to take off and I already have an idea for another one. My plan all along was long term. It's great to know I'll have plenty of money available for travel in retirement."- Mary Kay, Virginia "This program has convinced me there are unlimited opportunities amidst the chaos we see on the 24/7 news channels. If you provide good value for what folks are looking for, you can not only survive - but THRIVE."- Douglas - Delaware Wise Words to LIVE by... There are certain "universal truths" that continue to stand the test of time: Debt is like any other trap, easy enough to get into, but very difficult to get out of. - Henry Wheeler Shaw The only way not to think about money is to have a great deal of it.- Edith Wharton A job is NEVER just a job. It's a HUGE part of your life. And you're way smarter than you're giving yourself credit for. Speak up, change things or get out. "Whining" is a low-return strategy. - Seth Godin A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night, and in between he does what he wants to do. - Bob Dylan Lack of money is no obstacle. Lack of an idea IS an obstacle.A” - Ken Hakuta Credit buying is much like being drunk. The buzz happens immediately and gives you a lift... the hangover comes the day after.A” - Joyce Brothers Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons." - Woody Allen YOU CAN GET OUT OF DEBT... you only need to choose. 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