Monday, June 3, 2013

Command Good Luck, Success And Happiness To Fill Your Life - Affiliate

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Command Good Luck, Success And Happiness To Fill Your Life - Affiliate
Command Good Luck, Success and Happiness to Fill Your Life - Affiliate Introducing an Amazing Collection of Innovative Luck-Changing, Success-Building Steps that Automatically Produce an Endless Stream of Good Luck -- And Only You Will Know It's Not Luck... STOP Begging for Success and START Generating a Constant Stream of Triumphs Using Proven Success Steps that You Can Put on Autopilot Discover Unusual Strategies to Quickly Create a Predictable Stream of Lucky Breaks and Forever Free Yourself from the Old Doubt, Fear and Struggle ~~ Charles Burke Listen to a personal message from Charles 3 min. 38 sec. FACT: Every successful person I've ever interviewed says they do NOT believe in luck. Then in the next breath, they'll tell me stories of incredible coincidences -- meeting the right person at the right time; finding financing by chance; stumbling onto information that opens doors and saves businesses.... and yet, they don't believe in luck. Keep reading to learn why. ou know how some people have a knack for finding every wrong turn in their path. They fall into every pothole in the road... I knew such a young man. From a very early age, he showed a fair amount of promise, intelligence and talent, but somehow nothing ever seemed to come together for him. If there were five wrong ways and only one correct one, he would always take six attempts to get things right -- if he kept trying that long. Often he didn't. Lots of potential, but... Despite his brains and ability, he worked in a long series of menial jobs, tried his hand at one field after another, none of which were matched to him in the slightest. And all the while, Murphy's Law was in full force. Anything that could go wrong did go wrong. Bad luck and setbacks seemed to be everywhere. This case was particularly troubling because that young man was me. And oh how I struggled during those years. Maybe you've struggled through many of the same things. If so, you can appreciate how disheartening it is to lurch from one mistake to another, one bad break after another, leaving a long trail of non-achievement in your wake. And all the while, the only thing I was really lacking was a few simple good luck skills. Are you one who will... Of course, some people don't want to bother learning new skills - even if they ARE simple to learn and easy to apply. Others just don't BELIEVE that we can control our own lives. And they're not going to change their beliefs, no matter how much better it would make their lot in life. Still others have the odd notion that God or Fate or Destiny holds all the cards in the game of life... that those gods never share the power... that it's hopeless to decide what you want because everybody knows that life's a valley of tears and sorrow. Because if you are... If you'd like to step out from that very large crowd who refuse to help themselves and begin living a life of greater satisfaction, success and joy... I can help you. If you'd enjoy being able to decide your own fate... Read this now. And as you carefully consider all the ideas and information here, you may find yourself seeing new possibilities for yourself - for your life. You may already feel the new love and the joys that are suddenly opening up to you... may already be able to hear the words of acclaim you'll be receiving in the days, months and years ahead. Every once in a while a program comes along that changes the way you think about things. Now one has come along that can not only change the way you think, but can make the way you think actually change your life. ~ Martin Avis, ( It's a fact: You don't have to wait around to see what new tricks life is going to play on you today. Imagine what it would be like if you could change a few thoughts, like flipping a switch in your mind, and turn on a steady flow of good luck, success and happiness. I'm sure you've wondered - what would that feel likeb It's true, you know... you can finally: STOP... wondering if your present success will be snatched away from you unexpectedly STOP... waiting for life to decide whether to give you the things you really want STOP... watching others zoom past you at work with half the effort STOP... fearing that tomorrow will bring disappointment or disaster for you and your loved ones STOP... weeping from loneliness while you watch others all around you enjoy love, romance and joy STOP... making do with just enough to get by although your neighbors and friends always seem to have more than enough Here is more of what you'll learn Being lucky is a skill, just like any other skill As you learn this skill and you practice it, you get better. You get more successful... people will start commenting that you're luckier somehow. And yes, you can learn this skill. How do I knowb Because I learned it myself - beginning from absolute zero. I had no mentor to show me the way. Want more luck in your lifeb You have only 2 choices... Keep believing in and waiting on the silver spoon theory, or get this Audio and eBook. ~ Rick Beneteau ( Author Power Publicity A brief personal note My name is Charles Burke, and I learned about luck the hard way, from the ground up, with no one to teach me the little secrets that seem so obvious now. But now I'm sharing those secrets in a program titled Command More Luck. This program tells how I learned to take increasing command of my life. I learned to attract more and more of the good things, the so-called lucky breaks, and the helpful events that made success almost inevitable. And here's an odd little bit of trivia - the luckier I become, the less I came to believe in Luck. The truth is, I started life feeling that I was naturally UN-lucky. The unexpected was the norm in my life. For example, it was nottoo uncommon for me to have three or four flat tires in a single day. If something could either turn out the wrong way or the right way, guess which one I usually gotb That's right... I almost always got the messy end of the stick. And I never knew why. It was almost like the laws of probability were suspended when I came around. If there was a way for something to go wrong, I'd find it. But then gradually, I began learning how to reverse that trend. And now the laws of probability were still suspended, but in the opposite direction. Now life was helping move me forward, not shoving me back. In effect, my luck was starting to change. And the cool thing is, I can now show you how to do the same thing. This could perhaps shave years off your own learning curve. You know how people say, It's all in the mindb Well that's exactly where it is, all in the mind... in the thoughts and thinking habits that we let our minds persue. You've known this (or at least suspected it) for a long time, but you may not have known quite what to do about it. Well, here's the core secret. With this fact alone, you could remake your entire life. The secret is - we live in an orderly Universe that does care about us. The second half of that truth is - we must first learn to care about ourselves. Once you begin to really, truly grasp this one truth, you'll start seeing a whole different reality. Your world, your luck, and your success will shift in amazing ways... but not until you really digest this truth and get it at the gut level. How to design a favorable future... a must program for anyone who wants to improve their fortunes. ~ Steve Shannon ( Author Castles In the Air Put these very real principles to work in your own mind - quickly. How to use the Mad-Dog Theory for eliminating why-based thinking and free yourself to solve your problems with simple directness now Find out how to recognize when life hands you good luck in kit form - when some assembly is required. Skip this technique and you'll be throwing away 95% of the good things life places on your platter every day How to quickly free yourself from early childhood experiences that may be limiting how much success you can accept Learn a new, more powerful definition of luck that includes a steering wheel and accelerator pedal Leave this one ingredient out of your visualizations and affirmations, and it's all just arm-waving; put it in, and you're suddenly in top-gear forward Open up another dimension - literally - where you can more effectively put to use the success tools you already have The repackaging strategy that can change the problems that life - and other people - hand you, instantly eliminating up to 90 percent of the problems you face The mental hands technique that you'll use to draw lucky breaks and success into your life - permanently Here's more of what you'll learn The best thing I liked in your program was the concept of having a set of imaginary hands that could be used to pull things toward us. I was shocked as I tried it out today; it works better than I thought it would. ~ Sami P. Laitinen Reader in Finland Take a moment to hink how it will feel to live a more satisfying life... as life quietly removes all those old struggles and setbacks and roadblocks. For example, what if you had never failed in your entire lifeb That's what happened to me. You'll read about the day I lost all my past failures - and the unexpected thing that replaced them. Adopt this perspective, as I did, and your entire past will suddenly stop taunting you. Imagine suddenly being free of your past. How much more confidence would that give youb Lucky and successful people are different... One sales person works and digs to get referrals from her clients, while her friend at the next desk simply falls into nests of introductions and referrals with no apparent effort at all. One traveller consistently gets upgraded to business or first class when flying, while another is always stuck back in coach. Or bumped to a later flight. One shop attracts walk-in customers who are easy to please and almost never return merchandise, but the shop next door always gets the pickiest, hardest-to-please people in town. Whyb Perhaps you've always been told that these are uncontrollable circumstances - just the ups and downs of life.... except for one thing.... lucky people somehow seem to attract only the ups while being exempt from the downs. They seem to pay a lower price (in terms of effort) for everything in their lives. Think what this means: you can learn the secret of attracting success, love and so-called lucky breaks - and literally start paying a lower price for your successes. For the rest of your life, as long as you live. Charles, Your program Command More Luck is ingenious, clear, easy to follow, and inspiring. I now feel more confident on how to produce my own LUCK and SUCCESS in Life. Thanks so much for making LUCK easy to achieve for everyone, Charles! ~ Tatiana Velitchkov Publisher: Lady Luck really wants to help They say lady luck is always fickle, and most people firmly believe that's true. But lady luckdoesn't have anything to do with it. I show you how to take charge of your own luck and change it. Turn it around 180 degrees. I know - based on my own experiences - that you can become what people call lucky almost without limit. Get usable know-how Not everybody is equally ambitious, of course. Your goals may not include building great empires. But whether your ambitions are towering or modest, you should never have to worry that your achievements could be yanked away from you by blind chance. You will learn simple, elegant ways to put unexpected changes to work for you. Make them your best friend, rather than an unexpected force that always catches you flatfooted and unprepared. Learn simple techniques for funneling immense power into your life. Techniques that will sweep you forward to success, love and honor Learn how to visualize chance so that you can get maximum benefit from it. This very practical technique will put you in touch with every talent, every ability, every possibility you can imagine for yourself, and many more that you haven't imagined yet The simple mental exercise that improved basket-shooting performance by college students nearly as much as actual daily practice How to assure that your mind knows what it's shooting for - and how to set this up before you ever start How to bend chance slightly - just enough become more lucky Learn the exact place to start in your self-improvement efforts to bring you maximum returns One crucial factor that accurately predicts whether your children will be rich or poor After you hearthe Two Towns Story,you'll understand exactly why there ARE enough riches for everybody to prosper without limit A new definition of soul mates that you may find useful for changing your own life How to identify those who urge specific behavior - not for your good, but for their convience - and neutralize their influence over you forever How to make space in your life for the money, love and success that you want to receive Why most people start at the wrong end of the process when they want to become successful - and the easiest way to correct this mistake How to turn your limitations into launching pads A simple, practical way to tell your inner mind you're ready for success and good luck - omit this one and you'll short-circuit every opportunity that crosses your path Why it doesn't matter what word you use to describe luck when you learn to work with the underlying forces that make luck happen How to get your mind to warn you before tragedy strikes, so that you're prepared in advance to step out of disaster's path Learn how to turn negative stereotypes into your most powerful assets How to identify the goals behind your goals and direct real power into your drive for fulfullment Here's more of what you'll learn Command More Luck is an Audio Program,plus a PDF manual. That means you can download it and belistening within minutes. It containsover four hours of highly focused, highenergy training. And the PDF manual contains a word-for-word transcript so that you can follow along as you listen, or print it out and makeall thenotes you want in the margins.Click here to see the Table of Contents. Since you've read this far, you've seen what is covered in the Command More Luck Program. So you'll understand when I say: although it's a quick, easy listen, it's not a quick study. You'll find enough material here to keep you growing and enjoying life for as long as you wish to. It's simple - click here to order now Here's my offer: Download this Program. Listen to it. Test everything - don't just take my word that these techniques work. Satisfy yourself that they're as powerful as I say they are. Take a full two months. Use it in your own life and watch the results you achieve. If this program doesn't quite satisfy you - for any reason at all - drop me an emailand tell me you'd like a refund. I won't even ask you why. You'll receive your money back immediately. No questions, no quibbling, no excuses. No risk... Thanks, Charles, for sharing these insights. To anyone who is ready for positive change: grab this program now... and keep a pencil and paper handy as inspiration after inspiration comes. ~ Robert Gavey Reader in Japan What is a Program like this worth to youb If you only double your income next year, you do the math. How much is that worth in dollarsb If you find the love of your life next year... or if you make peace in your family... what's that worthb You alone can decide that. So what is thisProgram worthb While you're thinking that one over, consider this: You'll also receive 7 important bonus reports Different people learn things in different ways. Some like the slow, steady approach, while others want to dive into the deep end and make massive changes fast. No single approach serves everyone equally well. So each of these seven bonus reports takes a different approach, breaks down the task of self-change, and gives you ideas or simple 1-2-3 steps to guide you in making those changes. You get tomake your changes at the pace that fits you perfectly. You'll begin taking control of your life and keep that control. ~ ~ S E V E N B O N U S R E P O R T S ~ ~ Bonus Report No. 1 How to Beat the 7th Day DUMPS Get Results from Any Teacher, Any Book, Any Seminar Your motivation and excitement don't HAVE to fade away. But we know how it usually happens, rightb You hear about a new teacher. She sounds great, so you order her book, tape or video. Or maybe you shell out a wad of cash and attend her seminar. And wow! You return home transformed. The excitement you're feeling lifts you into a new realm. Everything is going to change. But a few days pass... And somehow you find the excitement fading. You're doing everything the new teacher says you should be doing, following the program exactly... but the change is just not holding for you. Has that ever happenedb Well, that kind of temporary high just isn't enough. And believe it or not, it IS possible to get good, powerful, lasting results from any seminar, book, program or teacher -- and do it consistently. This report shows you EXACTLY how to lock your motivation permanently in place. Bonus Report No. 2 How to Stop Living with Your Brakes On If you've ever had to deal with your own lack of follow-through (hasn't everybodyb), you'll have already tried many standard solutions. But for most of us the available solutions don't work very well. At least, they don't usually work for long. You may have tried books on time management, motivational tapes, doing affirmations, or any of an armload of other approaches. But improvements are usually only temporary. Most people set goals and make action lists, but then they soon fall back into their old patterns... they don't do what they've promised themselves they'll do. The reason for this is simple. In this report, you'll learn a specific strategy to keep your energy up, your motivation on, and your progress at full-speed full-time. Bonus Report No. 3 How to Make Your Self-Help Really Help We've all had times when neither our best intentions nor our best efforts brought results. We got nothing useful, and we didn't know why. The gurus all tell us that all causes are within ourselves, for everything which happens (or doesn't happen) to us. But maybe that feels a little too fuzzy-edged to grab hold of. So this report breaks the big concepts down into 5 small, simple pieces. And this leads to an easy 5-step action plan that first opens your eyes to your hidden thoughts. Then it lets you take firm, gentle control over your thoughts and make them your permanent friends. Bonus Report No. 4 Stop Knowing Start Doing Personal change without struggle... what a concept. Our behavior always springs from the thoughts running through our minds. And thoughts, like water, are fluid. They're fairly easily directed -- but only if you go about it in the right way. Everybody knows that if you want to change the course of a river, you don't try to pull the water itself. In fact, you don't bother with the water at all. Instead, you use an entirely different strategy that pays almost no attention to the water. Changing your habits and behavior can be the same. Learn how to take the easy, gentle, no-stress path to personal change. Bonus Report No. 5 You Are Who You Spend Time With If you crave progress NOW! and are tired of the slow, gradual way most self-help methods present, then this report is for you. We don't stretch ourselves, most of us. We coast lightly along, never knowing how enormous our capabilities really are. But the truth is, you are who you habitually think you are. Be prepared to have your preconceptions about yourself challenged, stretched and zoomed to huge proportions quickly. This is the adventurer's path, leading through BIG experiences, BIG personal growth and BIG gains in every area you target. It's not for everybody, but you may surprise yourself once you find how simple it can be (not easy, but truly simple). Bonus Report No. 6 My Suicidal Passenger The man in my back seat was dying, and I had no idea what to do. I drove a taxi for a few months in a small southern town many years ago. And during that brief 4-month stint, I learned more about people (and myself) than perhaps at any other time in my life. One night a man got into my taxi, and within 30 minutes he was dying. You'll read that story and learn important lessons that helped fuel my own personal growth. Bonus Report No. 7 Achieving a Preposterous Dream Do people laugh at your oversize dreamsb This is the true story of a young man we nicknamed Little Al, who decided to start a business, even though he had no money, no training, no skills... nothing. Read how he acquired the money, the equipment and the skills he needed. And learn how, within a year, Little Al had built his fledgling business into an award-winning presence in the suburb where he was located. In the process, he surpassed long-established professionals who had laughed when he first began. Discover the principles he used to build a hugely successful business from scratch in an overcrowded market. These principles allowed him to quickly dominate that market and make it his own. If you're hungering to start your own business, this report may give you the edge you've been seeking. These 7 bonuses alone are a priceless resource. I created them as a set of advanced lessons for students who want to make real progress, who are tired of coasting along kidding themselves that SOMEDAY they'll start making headway. Well, forget all that someday stuff. Here are the tools to take charge of your mind, your destiny and your life. Today. And these bonuses, all 7 of them, are included when you order Command More Luck. I'm so sure you'll benefit from this offer, that I'm extending... My No-Questions-Asked, Good-as-Gold, 100% Money-Back Guarantee Your Satisfaction Is Assured In fact, it's my utmost priority. I want you to be 100% satisfied with my product. Try Command More Luck for a full 8 weeks risk-free ! If at any time you're not happy with this Program, simply email me with your receipt number and I will cheerfully refund your money in full. ~ Charles Burke In other words... Take this Program on trial. As I mentioned, you don't assume any risk in this arrangement. I'll take the full risk by giving you my full sixty-day no-questions-asked, instant-refund guarantee. Now back to the price... First, you should know this -- I'm not going to pretend there some kind of silly made-up deadline, nor that a big price increase is coming... it's not. I'm not going to claim that the doors are going to close next Wednesday, or I'll only accept 200 orders for this program.... That kind of kid stuff is SO transparent. However, there IS a deadline hanging over you It's the deadline you've already set in your own mind. While you've been reading, you've been imagining all the things you want to change in your life. You've been wanting more, wanting better, wanting to live the life you have always dreamed about.... these are the things you been waiting... waiting... waiting for. And now, suddenly, you can feel it... the waiting could end right here. So how much more waiting will you allowb One more weekb One more dayb Or not one more secondb That feeling inside yourself -that's your deadline.It's youronly deadline, and you already know what it is. You decide when to start on this Program... Now... I know what this knowledge can do, how it can change a life, so I recommend that you jump on it assoon as you possibly can. Command More Luck is a digitalproduct that you can download, so you can belistening to it within minutes after your secure credit card purchase is approved. Just minutes away is your new life. It can be that quick for you While reading this page, you have already seen the long list of new techniques, tips and perspectives you'll gain from Command More Luck. So you have a good idea what you're going to get... it's yours, and it's waiting right now for you. The price I've set for this Audio Course is $67.00 . (NOTE: for a short time only, this Program is on sale for $44.00.) Remember, that price also includes all 7 bonus reports at no extra charge. So listen to the Audios. Read along in the ebook transcript. Try all the techniques. Then, if you don't feel you've gotten at least ten times the price in benefits, I don't want to keep your money. Listen to it all. Learn how to create your own success and good fortune, how to command more luck and change your life. Soak up all the ideas, the techniques and the secrets. Try them in every area of your life. Take the wholetwo monthsto make up your mind. And AFTER you've tried the techniques in the Command More Luck Program -- then you'll KNOW. And if you decide it's not for you for some reason -- or for no reason at all -- then just drop me an e-mail asking for your money back. I'll cheerfully refund every cent you've spent on this program. No quibbles, no excuses, no delays. So you get all my secrets. In addition, you get all 7 bonus reports. And then you get a fulltwo monthsto try everything with no risk at all. I think you'll find it easy to make up your mind. I assume all the risk, and you get ... A gamble-free chance at a better life - guaranteed You can finally stop wondering what's going to happen to you next. You don't have to wait around for whatever life happens to dish out to you. Instead, you can start calling the shots now, you can take charge.... of your luck... your success...even your love-life. Rght now you get to choose. So what'll it beb The future you Command, or the future that just happens to youb Order Anytime, Day or Night You'll Be Downloading within Minutes All the best of luck, A A A� PS: You know that feeling you get when you finally solve a long-standing problemb It's like a big, heavy weight has been lifted off you. That's what you can feel like, in both your personal and professional life. PPS: Download everything and be reading within minutes! If you're still not sure, read through the Table of Contents. Then take a longer look over all these techniques you'll be learning. All this, plus the seven bonus reports, for only sixty-seven dollars -- even less!! Now $44.00 thanks to my Good Luck Celebration Sale. PPPS: Unless something changes, your life could go on the same for another 10, 20, 30 years. Would that be okay with youb Or you could simply change the course of your life right now... click here for relief. Home Order TOC Disclaimer Privacy Make Money

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