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Hairloss 2.0
Hairloss 2.0 Uncovering Next Generation Hairloss Treatments Years Before Market Availability (Updated for 2011) But did you know a legal loophole means you could be using these revolutionary treatments NOW, years before they are released to marketb If you need to grow back all your lost hair, completely revolutionise its thickness and quality and keep it forever then this is the most important 5 minutes you will ever spend! Thank you! Not only have I grown back tons of hair but it's quality and thickness has dramatically improved. Plus I amfeeling healthier and Ive lost weight!" David, Sydney, Australia I have been suffering from hair loss for years and had all but given up. I decided to give your program a try and IAm glad I did. I wonAt lie, it was hard work and I didnAt see results overnight but I stuck with it andat this rate by the end of the year my hair will be back to what it was when I was 18! Adam, Washington USA From the desk of Richard C Pickard If you are looking for a lasting and scientific solution to your hair loss problems then you have come to the right place! I am an Independent Researcher and Hair Loss Treatment Analyst. I have been an active and contributing member of the online hair loss community for over 15 years. I have published articles on hair loss for various newspapers and magazines and run an annual Emerging Hair Loss Solutions seminar in London. Let's talk honestly and openly about why youre here. It's because you know you are losing your hair - It's that simple.... LetAs face it, if you looked and felt your best, you wouldn't be reading this. Maybe itAs a recent development, maybe itAs been happening for a while. It doesn't matter. Either way, you donAt like what you see when you look at your hair in the mirror. I know how that feels. Like you I initially thought thereAd been some mistake. This was not meant to happen to me! But there it was, blatantly obvious in the bathroom mirror. I couldnAt deny it anymore; my precious hair was on the way out! LetAs be honest, hair loss is horrible! It turns your life upside down. You feel your ability to attract a partner is severely impaired. If you are already in a relationship you begin to feel unworthy, anxious and self conscious. Your confidence dives. And without confidence other areas of your life begin to suffer. ItAs a vicious cycle. You begin to see your lack of hair as the only reason life isnAt going well for you; AIf only I had my hair back everything would be okA. And so you decide to fight it.and thatAs when things get really bad. "By the time you notice even the smallest amount of hair loss you have already lost up to 40% of your original density!" And itAs like a freight train; once it starts itAs all but impossible to stop as it hurtles towards its final destination. Hang on a minute - What about the thousands of lotions, potions, pills, and remedies that all claim they can get your hair back to what it was when you were 18b Reality Check! Hair loss is a multi billion dollar industry, with good cause. Do not be fooled! 99.9% of the products touted as hair loss cures simply do not work!" Unscrupulous opportunists prey on the fears, helplessness and insecurities of hair loss sufferers and sell them hope in exchange for large sums of money. I know because IAve been a victim of more hair loss scams than I care to admit. "And the sad fact is that studies have shown that from the time you first start losing hair you have about 32 months to do something effective about it!" *if you have passed this point donAt panic A read on. Unfortunately most men spend this precious time chasing dreams, promises and hope. By the time they wake up to the lies, itAs too late. The hair loss train is going too fast and it canAt be stopped. Bottom line is you simply cannot afford to choose the wrong treatments!! The clock is ticking! HereAs the scoop No matter what anyone promises, until recently, the best weapons in your fight against hair loss were Propecia and Rogaine. Its conventional, itAs boring, but itAs true. No scalp exercises, follicle unclogging, brushing regimes, ancient herb concoctions or lotions will work even remotely as well as Propecia and Minoxidal, if at all! And results are rarely worth writing home about anyway. It really is a dire state of affairs! You are racing against the clock trying to put all the pieces of the jigsaw together, throwing money at this and that but nothing seems able to even slow the train down. The majority of people become frozen by indecision or lurch from one product to the next, throwing money at false promises while watching their hair loss get worse and worse. My many years spent researching hairloss have taught me one vital thing: "Genetics + Time + Bad Advice = BALD" To put it another way: THE most important weapon in your fight against hair loss is information based on and backed up by the latest scientific discoveries and not anecdotal or fantastical claims! The good news is you have inherited your hair loss problem at an incredibly exciting time! Recent scientific discoveries based around tissue regeneration, stem cell treatments and growth factors coupled with a greater understanding of the genetic pathways to hair loss have changed the face of hairloss treatments! But most of the world and especially the mainstream media just haven't caught up yet and are WAY BEHIND THE CURVE!! The problem with scientific breakthroughs is that they can take years, even decades, before they are turned into a product and become available to the public; if at all! Large Corporations and Biotechs have ridiculous amounts of legal and regulatory hoops to jump through before they can turn a new discovery into a product. They are still years away from bringing their new ground breaking treatments to market! Luckily the internet has provided immediate and easy access to the scientific discoveries and patents for future hair loss cures that large corporations and biotechs are working on, but will not be commercially available for years! Read that sentence again! And one more time to let it soak in! And individuals armed with this information and their collective resources simply do not have the same hurdles! Recently select groups of hair loss sufferers with the drive and desire to work together have gathered online to use this information to find solutions to hair loss. Their goal has been nothing less than finding a solution for hair loss that works for everyone, 100% of the time. Men and women from every country and every walk of life; doctors, lawyers, scientists, CEOAs, entrepreneurs and average JoeAs have been experimenting and collaborating together to find what works and what doesnAt. And the results have been simply astounding!!! These groups are literally years ahead of the curve! They are dissecting the information provided in the patents and scientific studies and literally creating and applying the discoveries in the comfort of their own homes! Every once in a while there is an event that shifts boundaries and redefines an industry! This is it for Hair Loss!! I have been blown away with the rate of change and discovery certain online hair loss communities have driven out over 2010! I have grown back more hair back over the last year using the treatments they have brought to light that I did in the previous 10 years! Heres the bad news - itAs not as easy as just joining any old online hair loss group and sourcing this information. For one thing they are not all created equal. Many exist solely for the purpose of moaning about their plight. And the ones that are driving the breakthroughs stay underground and behind the scenes to avoid attention from the companies working on the treatments they are already using! And to make matters worse when one group has a breakthrough and finds a solution they literally disappear overnight and get on with their lives, leaving their discoveryAs to become lost in the archive section of some long forgotten online forum. Once their collective goal has been reached they are off! It would take years to find the most cutting edge hair loss communities and then sift through the thousands of topics, sub topics, threads and posts in the forums to find the gold nuggets of information that are there to beat hair loss. This is time you simply donAt have! The sad fact is just like the offline world there is misinformation within online hair loss communities and itAs vital you and join forces with the best! You need this information immediately so you too can grow your hair back get on with your life! I have made it ridiculously easy for you! I have summarised my 15 years of hairloss research into hair loss, taken the most groundbreaking and revolutionary recent discoveries from best and most cutting edge hair loss communities and developed a hairloss treatment program that will simply blow you away!! Here are just some of the topics covered in this ground breaking report! Why you need to know about The Capsase Activation Model and how it turns the conventional model of Androgenic Alopecia on its head. The 30 Month Window and how you can get around it The real reason youAre losing your hair - Discover the real scientific facts about what hair really is, how it grows and why you are losing it. The truth about shedding hair A and itAs not all bad Why the Hairmax Laser Comb is an expensive scam and how you can start using clinical Low Level Laser Light Therapy devices 400 times more powerful and effective in your own home for 1/1000th of the price! Why you need to know about Substance P, the bodies own growth factor and how you can activate it. How to use transdermal Magnesium Chloride to create ATP, Athe currencyA hair follicle cells use to replicate and regenerate. The astonishing truth about EGHIN (Epidermal Disruption Induced Follicle Neogenesis and how you can create new follicles from scratch in the safety of your own home. Stem Cell treatments and Hair Growth Factors A the good, the bad and the ugly. Emu Oil A How this cheap but incredible oil will revolutionise your hairline. Superoxide Dismutase A how you can activate and increase this hair growth booster created naturally in the body. The Hair Loss industries nasty Secrets finally revealed A why it takes so long for new products to reach the market. How you can gain hair and lose weight at the same time. The bald truth about Finasteride and Minoxidal A and no I donAt recommend them! Dermodex A why this parasitic mite found in all human scalps is contributing to your hair loss. Why you need to be start using Nizoral shampoo today. The secrets that Hollywood stars use to create a natural looking full set of hair in minutes! The dirt on hair transplants and why you should avoid them at all costs How the right haircut can make the best use of what youAve got And Much Much More!! Are you ready to grow back insane amounts of hair and keep it for lifeb Are you ready to heal, regenerate, regrow and maintain your hair in a way that users of Propecia and Rogaine could only dream ofb You are about to learn the biggest and best kept secrets in the hair loss world today! Secrets the multi million dollar corporations working on the treatments we disclose donAt want you to know! I know because they have contacted me asking me to cease distributing this information! So far they have not been successful.... I am about to show youhow to apply the hair loss communities best discoveries yourself, in the comfort of your own homeat a FRACTION of the cost you would pay if this programme was available commerciallyA which itAs not! This totally unique breakthrough information has never before been available and is taking the Hair Loss world by storm! Let go of what you think you know and take control of your hair loss! The amount of hair you will grow back will astound you! For the cost of a hair cut I will show you how you can keep your hairdresser employed for the rest of your life! DonAt let hair loss just happen to you and donAt throw a fortune down the kitchen sink chasing fad 1.0 treatments which donAt work! "IAm not scientifically minded but the way you explained everything wasvery clear and straight forward.A Ive very excited, Ill keep you posted!" Andy, Vancouver, Canada "I love your book! Not only have I grown back tons of hair but the it's quality and thickness has dramatically improved. Plus I amfeeling healthier and Ive lost weight!"David, Sydney, Australia I have been suffering from hair loss for years and had all but given up. I decided to give your program a try and IAm glad I did. I wonAt lie, it was hard work and I didnAt see results overnight but I stuck with it andat this rate by the end of the year my hair will be back to what it was when I was 18! Adam, Washington USA "I was initially sceptical. but I have to say I found the information extremely informative and importantly safe to apply! I was especially impressed with how youtackle the multiple internal pathways of hair lossthat arenAt covered by conventional hair loss treatments". Theo, London England Save your hair for the cost of a haircut! INSTANT ACCESS -Even if its 2am! Ps You have a 32 month window to do something revolutionary about your hairloss. By the time you notice the first signs of hairloss its probably too late! Let me show you how you can get around this timeline and throw the 32 month window out the window! PPS If you buy now I will throw in two exciting bonuses - Upcoming Hairloss Treatments and Top 10 Hairloss Myths Exposed! PPPS I have received letters from major corporations and biotechs threatened by the information in Hairloss 2.0, requesting me to cease distributing this information. I am fighting this but I cant promise this book will be available tomorrow! This programme comes with a 60 day no questions asked money back guarantee! If you are not satisfied then I will refund your money IMMEDIATELY and you can keep the ebook and bonuses for free! You have nothing tolose!! To Your hair Richard C Pickard Hairloss 2.0 Contact us Copyright 2010 Hair Loss 2.0 - All Rights Reserved
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