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Why He Disappeared - The Smart, Strong, Successful Woman's Guide To Understanding Men And Keeping The Right One Hooked Forever
Why He Disappeared - The Smart, Strong, Successful Woman's Guide to Understanding Men and Keeping the Right One Hooked Forever This ONE startling idea could end your frustration, anxiety, and headaches
about finding love forever... The Shockingly Simple But Alarming Reason Why Smart, Strong, Successful Women Have A Harder Time Finding Quality Men Than 'Average' Women! (Plus, What You Can Do About It!) AThe Most Amazing Book Ever!A AHi Evan, I've been reading your emails and recently purchased your e-book Why He Disappeared. Not because I was looking for an answer but just to see what it was all about, and OMG It has got to be one of the most, perhaps better say, the most AMAZING BOOK EVER. Even if a person is not in that situation, they should still purchase it as it gives insight of sooooooo many things that one, as a woman, would never even dream that we could be making such mistakes. I honestly recommend it to every lady out there. ItAs a must have!!!! ItAs not even an option, even if you are in a stable relationship or no relationship at all, it doesnAt matter, every woman out there should have a copy!!! Michelle D. Dear Friend, If you've... Ever wondered why you seem to attract all the wrong TYPES of men... Ever wondered why your girlfriends, co-workers, and acquaintances all seem to be involved in healthy, loving relationships (even if they're not as pretty or intelligent as you) A but you aren't... Ever wondered why the GOOD men always seem to disappear from your life... Gone from wondering when you will meet the man of your dreams... to wondering if good men even EXIST Ever felt anxiety, frustration, even fear that you will NEVER find a good man... and dread the prospect of being alone forever... ...then this will be the most important message you will EVER read! Here's why: My name is Evan Marc Katz, and I'm known as a APersonal Trainer For Women Who Want To Fall In Love. And in the next few minutes I'm going to show you how to stop making the dating mistakes (you may not even know you're making) that prevent smart, strong, successful women (like YOU!) from getting the GOOD men you desire and deserve. PLUS, I'm going to reveal not only how to stop these subconscious mistakes but I'm going to show you how to ATTRACT and KEEP a man who is worthy of YOU... Here's what this is all about. Why Don't Men Like Strong, Smart, Successful Womenb Before I explain to you what youAre too close to see, I want to share a hypothetical letter I received from a man who is struggling in love, just like you: Dear Evan, IAm what youAd call a Anice guy.A I make a good living, IAm pretty attractive, and I treat women well. In fact, all of my female friends comment on what a great catch I am. But then I see those same women dating jerks. Yet they would never consider going out with me! So what do you thinkb Am I cursed to be alone just because I know how to be kind to womenb IsnAt being nice a good qualityb WhatAs wrong with women these daysb Please let me know. Jason Men reading this might empathize with Jason. But while you may feel bad for Jason, youAd also want to him to know that itAs not BECAUSE heAs nice that heAs not attracting women. ItAs because heAs doesnAt have masculine energy. ItAs because he constantly seeks the approval of others. ItAs because heAs not sexually aggressive. ItAs because he sacrifices his personal power to be conciliatory. These are common attributes of nice guys, yet nice guys think that women donAt like nice guys BECAUSE theyAre nice. Not true. Women want nice guys A nice guys with opinions who stand up for themselves and know how to take control. Smart women are very much like nice guys. AIAm intelligent, IAm direct, IAm successful, yet I canAt seem to find a quality guy who appreciates me.A But here's the truth: men actually like smart women. I do. My smart, strong, successful male counterparts do as well. So how is it that you haven't met any of themb Well, you probably have, actually. Is It Possible That You've Already Met Your Soul-Mate - The Man You Were Meant To Be With - But When You Met He Didn't Feel The Same Connectionb No way! Impossible, rightb Your perfect man would immediately recognize your beauty, wit, charm, intelligence, and kindness, rightb Well despite what you may think, when you meet a man, thereAs much more going on than merely a meeting of the minds. Your good qualities sometimes come with a significant downside that is painful to acknowledge. Take me, for example. IAm a reasonably bright guy. I make a fair living. I can write a decent book. These are my good traits. But right behind my good traits are a series of bad traits. Even my own wife would acknowledge that: The flip side of being bright is being opinionated. The flip side of being analytical is being difficult. The flip side of being funny is being sarcastic. The flip side of having moral clarity is being arrogant. The flip side of being entrepreneurial is being a workaholic. The flip side of being charismatic is being self-centered. Again, not EVERY person who is bright is opinionated, and not EVERY person who is funny is sarcastic. But thereAs enough anecdotal evidence to suggest a strong correlation. And IAm just talking about MYSELF here. And if my good qualities come with bad qualities, have you considered that yours might as wellb Is your blood boiling at me yetb All because IAm telling you something essential to understanding men that youAve gone your entire life without knowingb What never occurs to you is that youAre being evaluated on far more than your most AimpressiveA traits. The Critical Missing "Puzzle Piece" That Could Change Your Love Life Forever... And this is what escapes most strong, smart, successful women. This is the secret to creating a love that LASTS. Just in case you didn't get it, let me sum up the secret for you right now. Understand what men really want A not what they SHOULD want A and you'll have your PICK of quality men! I know youAre undoubtedly a great catch. You can teach us a thing or two. You are a go-getter and worthy of everyoneAs respect. But if that go-getter side ends up emasculating your man, or makes him feel insignificant, or second-guessed, heAs not really getting what he wants out of a partner. Men want to feel masculine. We want to feel needed. And When You Can Consistently Make Us Feel This Way You Will Discover A Whole New World Of Quality Men You Never Knew Existed! It's true, once you understand this perspective, your love life starts to get very interesting, and very exciting A very quickly! Howb I'm about to show you how, by revealing how to APPLY this secret into your love life! But first, a warning. The majority of what I'm about to reveal may seem counter-intuitive A maybe even hard to believe. But that should actually be affirming and comforting. Because if everything you've been conditioned to believe about men, about dating, and about love was correct Athen you wouldn't be reading this letter. You'd already be in a happy, committed relationship with the man of your dreams! Since youAre not, IAd think youAd be extremely interested in learning... The 3 Biggest Dating Truths That Most Women Will NEVER Know About Men! (and how they can finally give you the deep, loving relationship youAve always desired...) You see, I've got a feeling you've spent a lot of time beating yourself up over things you couldn't control. Things like... Why men donAt see you as relationship material and not want a serious relationship with you... Why you keep choosing all the wrong men... Why men may lose interest in you, even after several dates or being intimate with you... Why some men may see you as needy, even if youAre not... Why you will feel that men have all of the power in your relationships, and you have none... Why the few men you ARE attracted to never stick around And I'm here to tell you that all of these issues are NOT YOUR FAULT! That's right, like I told you before, you've been programmed since childhood to believe a particular set of principles. The tragic thing about this is... they're sometimes more harmful then helpful. I know they want nothing but the best for you, but everyone from your mother and your girlfriends, to Oprah and Cosmo have been feeding you these same, misleading theories because they arenAt men A and they donAt fully understand what makes us tick. So if what you've been doing thus far hasn't been working, itAs time to try something new. Here's EXACTLY what you need to know to STOP the good men from disappearing from your life, in order to create real love that lasts... Truth #1: Why A Man Will Pull Away When It's Time To Commit... (Men Are About Feelings, Not About Looks) If youAve ever been baffled at how men sometimes pull away from you when it's time to commit, believe me, I understand. IAve been dumped before and I remember the raw confusion, trying to reconcile how something so good could possibly go bad. Now as a man, I donAt claim to speak for every guy, everywhere. I only speak for good, solid, relationship oriented men A the guys who are over the drama of dating hot, crazy women. Guys who want to date hot, crazy women arenAt really good relationship bets, so you shouldnAt worry too much when they disappear. Anyway, every normal guy has had the experience of dating someone attractive and then breaking up with her. The physical is what pulls us in, but thereAs a high price to pay for this kind of dysfunctional relationship. YouAve probably done the same thing: been so drawn by attraction that you never looked up and considered that youAre always fighting, youAre always breaking up, and that, in between the great sex, thereAs very little peace and contentment. Are men drawn to smart, strong, successful womenb You bet. The same way that youAre drawn to smart, strong, successful men. Really. Those characteristics are universally attractive and are considerable assets to you. But where women and men often diverge is that weAre looking for different things. YouAre looking for a man who is taller, stronger, smarter, funnier, wealthier. WeAre not. WeAre looking for what we doesnAt have ourselves, what we canAt get at work, what we canAt get from our male friends: warmth, compassion, kindness, generosity, femininity. Thus, your brains and beauty will always attract men, but they wonAt keep them. Men may not even be able to articulate this themselves, but we want to feel needed, trusted, important, masculine, sexy, smart, funny, and heroic. In other words, we want you to see us the way we see ourselves. We want you to treat us the way you want to be treated. We want to feel unconditionally loved and accepted, despite our many flaws. And if we donAt get all of that, weAre going to find a woman who does. ThatAs why it doesnAt matter how impressive you are. You could be a Rhodes Scholar/TopChef/Supermodel, but if we constantly feel criticized, micromanaged, unattractive, emasculated, pressured and undermined, weAre gonna move on. So when youAre trying to assess how to keep a guy around, remember: Men are about feelings, not about looks. Make us feel like a million bucks and weAre not going anywhere. AI Had Soooo Many 'Aha' Moments!A ASo eight months ago, I was a clueless girl who was good at scaring guys away. But throughout my life I had never been taught how to handle men. I took guesses with everything I did, and a lot of the time it didn't end very well. Guy after guy broke my heart. I was so sick of it, so I decided to do something about it. I bought the ebook 'Why He Disappeared'. BEST money I've ever spent, worth every penny! I had soooo many 'aha!' moments: I realised all the things I had been doing wrong all this time. I made a pledge to change my dating approaches, and soon after, the best thing happened to me. A month later after getting the book, the guy of my dreams asked me out. He was everything that I could have asked for! I could not believe that by applying all of Evan's advice could help us to fall in love with each other. A month after being with him, he told me that he realised I was the one for him. He texts me first everyday and always replies promptly to my messages. I never ever have worry thinking 'is he going to text meb' or 'is he going to replyb'. He calls me beautiful and he treats me so nicely. He's understanding, supportive and doesn't pressure me to do anything. He's so fun to hang out with, and his playful teasing makes me giggle. He always wants to spend time with me, and he hints at a big future. We have been in love for seven months now. Evan, you simply are a genius!! I cannot thank you enough for the amazing work you wrote in WHD. I think you have helped me to find the one! Anna N. Truth #2: The Single Biggest Dating Mistake That Women Make... And What You Can Do About It! (You Don't Attract The Wrong Men. You ACCEPT The Wrong Men) What happens when you find yourself incredibly attracted to a manb Well, thereAs the feeling of chemistry and everything that comes along with it A the obsessive highs that come with wanting to be with him, the joy of feeling incredibly connected, and, what you may forget, the willful blindness that allows you to overlook his flaws. ThatAs one of the most miraculous things about chemistry: it allows you to focus only on the good and ignore all the bad. This is incredibly apparent to me since I receive hundreds of comments from women every week - attributing their relationship failures to attracting the wrong men. First of all, letAs get one thing straight: MOST men are the wrong men. If you were an average woman, youAd be able to be with an average man and be content. Since youAre an above average woman A smart, strong, successful - your standards are going to go up accordingly. So if, by your standards, 95% of men are the WRONG men, it makes it that much harder to find ANY guy to date, and makes each new man who does qualify seem all the more important. Once a guy passes through your strong chemistry filter, heAs in. By this point, youAve forgotten the fundamental downside of chemistry: it allows you to focus only on the good and ignore all the bad. Which is why you can have incredible chemistry and end up in a TERRIBLE relationship, where he doesnAt call you, doesnAt sleep with you, doesnAt compliment you, doesnAt make you feel safe, and doesnAt commit to you. But you stick around because of how strong your rare FEELINGS are. YouAve now discovered the real secret to why youAre in dead end relationships: You donAt attract the wrong men, you accept the wrong men. If you consistently find yourself in relationships with liars, cheaters, addicts, leeches, or commitmentphobes, your job isnAt to get them to stop lying, cheating, drinking, mooching or committing. Your job is to leave. At a certain point, itAs not his fault for being flawed. ItAs your fault for thinking that your chemistry is powerful enough to change your broken relationship. Remember, most men are the wrong men. Men with chemistry are the ones who break through, but you give them a free pass, even when they donAt deserve it. YouAll never stop attracting the wrong men, but starting now, you can stop ACCEPTING the bad behavior of the wrong men and save yourself years of heartbreak and pain. ALife and Dating Is Fun Again!A APrior to finding your website I was in a dead-end relationship. Again. I was seeing my ex on a regular basis desperately trying to be the one he would commit to. He broke up with me three years ago. But I had not been able to move on because I was hoping that I could change my self and that he would soon start to love me the way I certainly loved him. So he became a friend with benefits...leaving me in a hopeless state. Anyway I found your Why De Disappeared... book five months ago, and it has meant the world to me, to read that I wasnAt alone about this situation. It gave me so many insights so I canAt count them all! But the one that really changed it for me was the one that said he wasnAt such a great guy. It made me think finally about who he really was, and how he had been treating me, and at last my rose-colored glasses fell off!! Hurrah! And it got me thinking of how I look at myself and how I immediately try to change myself to fit the man I meet instead of first see if he is a man I would like to meet! After all the insights from your book, I managed to tell my ex that we were finished with each other. I was even able to stick with that decision even though he tried to meet up again. I saw so clearly that heAd been treating me poorly for as long as I knew him and he wasnAt such a great guy at all. I finally figured out that I deserved better. Better yet, I met a new man that treats me like a queen. He is a real giver, kind, considerate, generous, eager to make me feel safe and secure. We have been seeing each other for four months and it keeps getting better. And even though I am happy with him I donAt jump to any conclusions about the future, I just relax and let things unfold naturally. I give all the credit to you, Evan!! Without all your teachings about men and how they think I would not been able to move on. I am so grateful for all your teachings and your wonderful humour that lightens up the whole subject. It means the world to me. I also appreciate the lighthearted tone you have, since IAve been so depressed about the whole men thing for quite some time. But thanks again, dear Evan. You cured me! Life and dating is fun again. Much love, Anneli M., Sweden Truth #3: Open And Love or Close and Suffer... (Why You Have to Assume the Best, Rather Than the Worst in Men) Open and love or close and suffer A David Deida YouAve been hurt by men before. YouAve been hurt bad. YouAve vowed to learn from the experience and protect yourself from that ever happening again. And to protect yourself from being hurt by a man, you: Choose not to date at all. Try to make him earn your trust. Pull away from a guy at the first hint of trouble. Tell him your relationship goals on the first few dates. Want to clarify where things are headed in the first few months. Those are all perfectly rational. The problem is: the only thing youAre protecting yourself from is the possibility of falling in love. Let me explain. Look at your life. You probably work a minimum of 40 hours a week. You probably have friends and hobbies and family. YouAre probably really, really, wary of men. And because of your previous experience, you do everything in your power to prevent the Awrong menA from getting in. YouAre vigilant about looking for the red flags to protect yourself from getting hurt. And you find them everywhere you go. As a result, you remain single for years at a time. Think of it like a visual metaphor. You live in a house. Mr. Right is walking down the street, trying to find his Ms. Right. There are two houses right next to each other that look identical. TheyAre gorgeous, modern, spacious, well-decorated, inviting. Except for one minor thing. The house on the left has a 10 foot brick wall around it. The house on the right has an open door, upbeat music playing, and the smell of chocolate chip cookies wafting out. Which of these identical houses do you think Mr. Right is going to peek intob ItAs kind of a no-brainer. Now you can make the argument that the RIGHT man would try to figure out how to scale the 10 foot wall. You can make the argument that the REASON thereAs a wall is that thereAs some crime in the neighborhood and you'd been robbed twice before. You can justify that protective wall in every way possible. But it doesnAt change the bottom line. A good man doesnAt need to break down or scale your wall. HeAs just going to look for a warm, inviting, open door. To take it even further: A good man will not be able to find you if youAre working 11 hours a day. A good man doesnAt need to earn your trust if heAs never done anything wrong. A good man may have a number of characteristics that you might not like. A good man takes relationships seriously and canAt promise that he will know after a few months that you are destined for the altar. So while I deeply empathize with you if youAre trying to avoid AwastingA time by trying to figure out the future before HE knows the future. Just know that youAre sabotaging any real chance you have to form a real trusting connection. You have to go in with an open mind and a clear head. At any point you have the right to determine that heAs not the one for you, and he has the right to determine that youAre not the one for him. ItAs called dating. Instead of trying to figure everything out up front to protect yourself from getting hurt, give yourself to the process and let him reveal his character over time. Opening the door and assuming the best will make the good men gravitate towards you. Treat him as if heAs going to hurt you and a good guy is not going to want to stick around. AThis Has Made Me Feel So Powerful!A AI am in a seven-month relationship with a man who I have seen you describe as the AmachoA type. (That is just his faAA§ade though, heAs really sweet and sensitive inside). Anyway, my macho man doesnAt give me tons and tons of positive feedback A I think he thinks I KNOW how he feels. I got Why He Disappeared because I really love being with John and I didnAt want my insecurities to mess things up. I have been getting your emails since before I met him and your approach has made a big difference to how I react with this man who makes my insides squishy! I really wanted to get specifics on what men want! I learned what he needed from me and I used the advice on our recent weekend in Vermont. I made him feel good being around me. I was the fun, sexy, carefree girlfriend that guys want to be around. A He very obviously had fun on our weekend. He was proud to have me around his friends and after that weekend, he has warmed up considerably. This has made me feel so powerful! Thanks Evan! Susan C. Now, How Would You Like The Blueprint to Magnetically Attracting and KEEPING The Man Of Your Dreamsb If you learned something just now, and are curious to know how deep this rabbit hole goes, then here's some REALLY good news. As a smart, strong, successful woman who is probably a bit jaded about the possibility of finding a quality man, have you ever wondered... What signs you can use to identify that a man wants a relationship and is not damaged goodsb How you can tell whether a man will likely act with integrity and honesty in a relationshipb The best way to weed out the game-players quicklyb Or have you ever wondered... Why do men fool aroundb Why do they lie and cheat and refuse to let you go, while keeping you hanging on without a commitmentb Why do some women get attracted to bad boys and often spend years trapped in abusive situations with selfish and narcissistic menb Why do you always seem to date the same people: guys who treat you poorly. Why are you not attracted to the guys who treat you wellb Heck, some of these experiences may keep happening to you again and again and again - which is why I am so excited to introduce you to my groundbreaking new e-book Why He Disappeared - The Smart, Strong, Successful Woman's Guide to Understanding Men and Keeping the Right One Hooked Forever. In it, I finally reveal what men REALLY talk about when you're not around. But instead of trying to explain it... Here's an actual taste of what's inside Why He Disappeared! Part 1 Why He Disappeared After Your Date Why the traits you value most in men are probably NOT the same traits a man values in YOU. PLUS A how to use this to your advantage... (page 26) How an ancient Zen Buddhist philosophy will dramatically help shortcut your path to success with men (page 27) Have your cake and eat it too! How, by letting go of control of the small things, you get to win the more important issues, and still have a healthy relationship with a type A male! (page 32) The most startling revelation for strong, smart, and successful women who desire strong, smart, and successful menAfter you get this, it'll change your perspective on dating forever! (page 35) The TINY thing you can do on your dates to create a HUGE positive impact with men! And no it doesn't involve showing more skin, dumbing yourself down, or changing who you are in any way... (page 44) Your personal checklist to making a man feel special... how many of these are you getting right... and wrongb (page 52-53) The surefire way to turn a horrible date... into a GREAT date! Don't worry, it's not as hard as you think... (page 54-55) Part 2 Why He Disappeared During Your Courtship Why knowing why a man disappeared is completely pointless... and what you should REALLY focus on once he's gone... (page 64) The most infuriating, but liberating concept you'll read in Why He Disappeared A and how it could save you years of headache, frustration, and resentment towards men! (page 65) Better than X-Ray Vision: how to determine A from the onset A which men are the real deal and which men will break your heart! (page 66) The specific list of behaviors that may make him think you're clingy... even if you're not! (page 69) How doing NOTHING can actually be the most proactive and helpful thing you can do during the courtship period! (page 70) The hard and fast rule about when to have sex. I cover this subject in explicit detail so that youAll never be hurt by a player again... (page 80-85) The ONLY 2 things that reveal how a man REALLY feels about you. If he isn't showing you these 2 things, then it's a clear sign to move on... (page 89) Part 3Why He Disappeared From Your Relationship Why keeping the baggage from your prior, negative experiences will actually turn off the well-adjusted, open, relationship oriented men. (page 97) The single most attractive quality that a woman can exhibit to a man. Knowing this single piece of information can create a HUGE breakthrough in your dating life! (page 99) Why always being yourself could quite possibly be the WORST advice you could ever follow... (page 102) A personal account of how an extraordinary woman got a player-for-life to stop disappearing and start proposing! FYI - that player was ME! (page 103) The truth about chemistry and why it could be the most misleading quality in creating a love that lasts... (page 120) The 2 essential steps to being the cool girl that quality men want! What IAm telling you works like a charm on EVERY guy... (page 126) The most important, earth-shattering, and revolutionary advice that you can get about why he disappeared! HINT A it's not what you think! (page 129) Plus, you'll get a whole lot more groundbreaking information designed to help you attract and keep the quality man you desire and deserve. How To Tell If This Groundbreaking Book Is For YOU... Every single day, I spend hours on the phone talking to women just like you. When I say AI feel your pain,A I really feel it. I wipe away virtual tears, give long-distance hugs, and deal with complex human emotions that come with this territory. This is what I hear, daily: MEN are the ones who slept with me and didnAt call. MEN are the ones who acted like they cared and backed off. MEN are the ones who allowed me to fall in love when they wouldnAt commit. But thereAs nothing you can do to change your past. ThereAs nothing you can do to get revenge. ThereAs nothing you can do to hurt him in the way he hurt you. All you can do is vow not to make the same mistakes again A which means no more charming, charismatic, commitmentphobes who put their needs above yours. From now on, the only things that will determine whether you let him into your heart are his kindness, his consistency, and his character. So If, despite everything you've been through, if you are still open to the possibility of true love.... If you can remain optimistic and remember the things you love about men A our strength, our humor, our generosity, our kindness... If you can keep an open mind and a glass half-full perspective while we take this journey together... If you're willing to step outside of your comfort zone and at least TRY and embrace some of these new principles we'll cover... And if you still believe in happily ever after... Then "Why He Disappeared" is for you. AI Just Need The Reminder That Guys Do Not Think Like Me...A AI think I just needed the reminder that guys do not think like me and that they are not as complex as me. I also need the reminder to not lead. I am a very confident strong person who is very successful in my career and very well liked by my friends... I am laid back but yet I do have a hard time with control when it comes to my relationships. I was married to someone who was so dependent on me and so smothering that I completely lost all respect for him... But I also see that I formed our relationship that way. I don't want that again - ever! Now I can sit back and say yes the next time around. I am still a work in progress :) but at least I am working on it.A Thank you for having a good perspective that doesn't involve games. I am a very true - heart on my sleeve person that just wants to eventually find someone that adds more positivity and fun to my already great life.
Kerri A. But Evan, I Already Know "Why He DisappearedA... I have no doubt that there are plenty of instances when you knew exactly what happened. He was a cheater. He was a player. He was a commitmentphobe. He was emotionally unavailable. Those guys are the worst and thereAs nothing either of us can do to wish them away. You canAt make cheaters stay faithful. You canAt force a commitmentphobe to commit. You canAt open up an emotionally unavailable guy to the beauty of vulnerability and trust. ThereAs literally NOTHING to learn when your guy is too selfish to be in a relationship. What you CAN learn by reading Why He Disappeared is why the GOOD guys might disappear A the ones you WANT to keep. ItAs easy to think that you already understand men based on all of your life experience. But IAd ask you to reframe this in another way: Do you think that most men really, truly, understand YOUb Of course not! So why do you think that you really, truly understand the motives of menb The ability to understand whatAs truly going on is paramount to your own happiness. As a man, itAs my job to give you a tour inside the male mind and let you know what weAre REALLY thinking. I think youAll be quite surprised at what you learn. AI Cannot Believe How Clueless I've Been About Dating!A AHi Evan, I've just finished reading the ebook right now I wish the floor would open up and swallow me I'm shocked, embarassed and I cannot believe how clueless I've been about dating. When I play back the way I've behaved\handled situations in the past and how men read them, I am disappointed in myself it feels like a saw cutting through my chest! I thought I had it all figured out - Great book and it left me speechless. Thanks, Thatha M. But I can see you now A arms crossed, an eyebrow raised, a skeptical look on your face... And I can hear you saying... AWhatAs the point, Evanb If I canAt change men, why even bother to understand thembA
Because, after reading my eBook, Why He Disappeared, you will never again make ANY of the same mistakes youAve made in the past. YouAll be empowered with knowledge instead of grasping for straws about what the next guy is thinking. YouAll literally ALWAYS make the right decisions in handling men A identifying and cut off the bad ones, opening up to the good ones, and learn how to make the best ones want to stick around forever. AI donAt need this. The real problem is that I just havenAt met the right guy.A Maybe you havenAt met the right guy. But, as a dating coach for smart, strong, successful women, IAd maintain that you might not even know him if you saw him. IAm not putting you down A I was blind to what was good for me for most of my life. Then I realized, from years of coaching women, what I was doing wrong myself. So isnAt it possible that, like me, youAve been choosing the wrong menb I think so. To view it from another perspective, do you have any girlfriends about whom you could tell me EXACTLY why theyAre still singleb Of course, you do. They do, too. You. Why He Disappeared tells you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. But what you need to hear A from a guyAs perspective - is exactly whatAs going to set you free, and change your relationships with men forever. AIt's Far Better To Let A Man Tell You How A Man Thinks!A AMost of the books and information about men and dating that I have read were written by women... that's mistake number 1.A For many years I listened to my women friends dispense advice onA how to relate and communicate with men. Now, after reading Why He Disappeared, I understand that it's far better to letA a man tell you how a man thinks and feels when he's dating! The book helped me to understand the fundamental differences between men and women when it comes to dating and communicating.A MenA do not process information the way women do, so it makes no sense to expect that they will.A Once I grasped that concept, my expectations changed and my frustration dissipated. The best lesson from Why He Disappeared that I learned was the simplest -- Just. Do. Nothing.A It freed me up and empowered me to focus on other areas of my life while continuingA to date. Julie F. The problem isnAt me... ItAs MEN! IAm not, for one second, defending men who have mistreated you in any way. IAm not defending guys who sleep with you once and never call again. IAm not defending guys who only communicate by text message and booty call. IAm not defending guys who string you along for five years without proposing. IAm pointing out that those men will ALWAYS exist, no matter what I say or do. The reason I wrote Why He Disappeared is because the solution to this is not to close your eyes and wish these men away, but to keep reading and realize how to identify these men and break away from them before they do their damage. Once you avoid the unhealthiest of men, the NEXT question is how to make the healthy ones A the millions of men who DO want to get married A choose to stick with YOU. AI Had Been Badly Hurt By A Cheater When I Was 25...A AWHD let me find out why I've been single until the age of 50. A IAve had doubts about men ever since I was badly hurt by a cheater when I was 25. Since then, instead of meeting a guy, I put my energy into my career. I worked in the financial industry, got an MBA, got my Green Card 3 years ago and got a better job. But I still never felt content. I started to find that my work was merely an escape from dating and marriage. Your WHD 'Chapter 2' showed me that my suspicious attitude toward men made guys uncomfortable around me. A I have to completely erase that suspicion and see that every guy is different. WHD helped me get over nearly three decades of being sad. Thank you very much. I am 50 but hope to find love soon.
Yuko T. Okay Evan, so I MIGHT be interested... but how much does Why He Disappeared costb It's interesting, just the other day I was thinking about why some women complain about their love lives, yet will do NOTHING to change their situations - even when the solution is staring at them in the face. And I realized that these women simply must not put as much value on love and happiness as they think. Which really got me thinking: What IS valuableb Is value derived from how much pleasure you get out of somethingb A trip to Paris. A new Mercedes. A gorgeous pair of shoes. Or is value derived from how much pain is preventedb Chemo to eradicate a cancerous tumor. A year of therapy to help you cope with a loss. An eyelift to make you feel younger. Personally, I think the removal of pain is a LOT more valuable A for two reasons. The value of a purchase diminishes over time. Your shoes, your car, your vacationall feel amazing at the time, but itAs usually a temporary high. The value of pain removal is priceless and lasts forever. Removing pain frees you up to live a happy, healthy, carefree life. You can buy all the cars and trips you want, but if you are sad or sick, it doesnAt really matter. ItAs hard to put a price on happiness or pain, but each time you make an investment, youAre doing just that. Me, too. My physical therapist is supposed to heal my bad hip. Apparently, itAs worth a few thousand dollars for me to be able to run again. ItAs not that IAm a triathlete, but by removing my source of pain, I stand to be a much happier person. In short, removing pain opens you up to pleasure. So let me ask you: how much pain have you been carrying around due to a lifetime of disappointing relationshipsb What has it cost you emotionally each time youAve gotten your heart brokenb What has it cost you in terms of time, energy, mental health, and happinessb How much would it be worth if you could remove the source of your pain FOREVER, and create the opportunity for EVERLASTING LOVE with a good manb Would it be worth more than the $25,000+ youAd pay for a carb Would it be worth more than the $5000+ youAd pay for a nice vacationb Would it be worth the $2500+ youAd pay for a computer and printerb I think it would. If removing the source of your relationship pain can immediately make you happier AND lay the groundwork for you to find love, IAd think youAd do so, at any cost. Thankfully, my new book, AWhy He Disappeared,A does not cost $25,000. :-) No, I am offering Why He Disappeared to you for the small investment of $67! But it will pay greater dividends than just about any purchase youAve ever made. And That's Not All... I'm Also Going To Stack On These Great Bonuses When You Invest In "Why He Disappeared!" Why He Disappeared Audio ($27 VALUE!) Imagine having me, Evan Marc Katz, at your beck and call whenever you have a dating or relationship question. Imagine being able to hear my voice giving you exactly the advice or counsel you need to overcome any love challenge or hurdle you come across! Well that's what you get with the Why He Disappeared Audio! This is the same content that's found in the Why He Disappeared e-book, only now you get to hear my voice (and my wife's voice) talking to you like a good friend over a cup of coffee. Why not burn this audio to a CD or to your Ipodb You can overcome your most challenging love and dating obstacles while in your car, at the gym, or while running errands! PLUS A the audio is broken up into sections so you have the freedom to take breaks and come back for each and every powerful concept. Why He Disappeared Online A E-book ($14.97 VALUE!) Are you sick and tired of attracting the wrong men onlineb Are you frustrated with men who lie about their age, put up outdated pictures of themselves, who write you stupid, pointless emailsb Well so are a LOT of my smart, strong, successful female clients! That's why I wrote Why He Disappeared Online A and purposely didn't include it in the original Why He Disappeared book. Whyb Because online dating poses its own unique set of challenges, and I'm going to personally help you navigate them with this content-rich, 3 part e-book. The book focuses on the 3 main reasons why good men disappear during the online dating process, how to keep this from happening, and how to repel undesirable men fast and forever. Once you read this e-book you will find yourself more confident about online dating, more open and flirtatious, and most importantly, more attractive to the RIGHT kind of men online... Why He Disappeared Online A Audio ($14.97 VALUE!) It's a fact that some people learn better by listening rather than reading. In some cases, hearing me say something may cause a light bulb to turn on in your head, even if you've read the same idea a dozen times in the e-book. For other people listening to an audio simply reinforces what they've read. To better help you digest my powerful dating principles, I sat down and recorded the Why He Disappeared Online e-book. In 36 concise, action-packed minutes, I give you the run-down of online dating A from the perspective of your Personal Trainer For Love, sure, but also as your best guy friend or your older brother. Burn this audio onto a CD and we can talk in the car. Best Partb The Why He Disappeared Online audio is broken up into 4 parts so you can listen to the entire course in short, easy-to-digest segments. As You Can See, This Isn't Just An E-Book. Your Why He Disappeared Package Is Like One-On-One Coaching With Me... Anytime You Want It! That means you get: Why He Disappeared E-Book A $67 VALUE Why He Disappeared Audio A $27 VALUE Why He Disappeared Online E-book A $14.97 VALUE Why He Disappeared Online Audio A $14.97 Total: $123.94 Because I'm so excited about getting this out to the world, I'm going to give you ALL of these products at the jaw-dropping price of... $37.00 Yes, only $37! But to be sure you get this special price, you must act now, because this introductory discount won't last for long. And I Am SO Confident That You'll Love It,
I'm Inviting You To... Read Why He Disappeared Risk-Free! If youre not convinced that the information in my book is an accurate look inside the male mind and hasnt brought you greater peace of mind and success in dating, let me know within 60 days of purchasing it and I'll quickly and courteously refund your entire purchase price.
Theres no catch. I believe in this material and have seen the positive effects of understanding men. So if you dont find the concepts behind Why He Disappeared to be truly beneficial, simply reply to the email confirmation youll receive when downloading my book, write Refund eBook in your message, and I will refund you for the full amount. No questions asked! Why He Disappeared is no-risk. If you dont see the value in it, I dont want you to pay for it. But Im not too worried about that. Im confident that this limited-time offer is going to be one of the best long-term investments youve ever made in yourself. The Love Of Your Life Awaits... (So Here's What To Do Now!) Go ahead and click on the order button below. When you do, youAll go to my secure order page for your credit card, where your order information will be transmitted using the latest SSL encryption technology to ensure complete and total privacy and security. After submitting your information you can download the book immediately as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file. The process takes just a few clicks and you can be reading my book on your computer in as little as 5 minutes from now. That's right, you could be well on your way to creating the love life you've always wanted... within just a few minutes! So if you're sick and tired of the games, sick and tired of attracting the wrong types of men, sick and tired of the loneliness and longing... then take control of your love life once and for all. Take action now. I sincerely believe that the true love you've been searching for is just around the corner... And I can't wait to help you discover it. Warmest wishes and much love, Your friend, P.S. A Remember, the special offer where you get the entire Why He Disappeared package for just $37 can go up any ANY time. When it does, it could double, maybe even triple in price. So get your copy A at this discounted price - NOW! P.P.S. A Read some of the transformational stories from other women who read Why He Disappeared and found success in their love lives! If they can do it, so can you! (I can't WAIT to read YOUR success story!) ANow I Feel Empowered!A AI am aA 50 year old woman who bought Why He Disappeared when I knew that I needed to understand what would make my ex treat me so callously, to clearly not want a future together, and yet say that he loved me all along andA kept me connected to him even though he has a new girlfriend. I learned, through reading Why He Disappeared, that because of the fact that he did not commit to me, he was not the one and that I really didn't want him back. I realized that I needed to find the man who would love me unconditionally for who I am, not for who he wanted me to be. I realized that after all, he really didn't feel as strongly about me as I did about him. While I was still in pain for a while after that realization (no one wants to be told that the person you love isn't that into you), it helped me to finally let go of him and learn a hard painful lesson. I think I had still been hoping that he would come to his senses and come back to me begging to take him back, that he had made a mistake and wanted to commit to me after all. Now I feel empowered and I am glad to be free of him, to find the one who will love me without question. I think I had been putting his feelings ahead of mine for so long that I was still doing it even after we had broken up, and when I realized that he really didn't care all that much for how I felt, it was easier to break the ties. Kim AI Had Soooo Many 'Aha' Moments!A ASo eight months ago, I was a clueless girl who was good at scaring guys away. But throughout my life I had never been taught how to handle men. I took guesses with everything I did, and a lot of the time it didn't end very well. Guy after guy broke my heart. I was so sick of it, so I decided to do something about it. I bought the ebook 'Why He Disappeared'. BEST money I've ever spent, worth every penny! I had soooo many 'aha!' moments: I realised all the things I had been doing wrong all this time. I made a pledge to change my dating approaches, and soon after, the best thing happened to me. A month later after getting the book, the guy of my dreams asked me out. He was everything that I could have asked for! I could not believe that by applying all of Evan's advice could help us to fall in love with each other. A month after being with him, he told me that he realised I was the one for him. He texts me first everyday and always replies promptly to my messages. I never ever have worry thinking 'is he going to text meb' or 'is he going to replyb'. He calls me beautiful and he treats me so nicely. He's understanding, supportive and doesn't pressure me to do anything. He's so fun to hang out with, and his playful teasing makes me giggle. He always wants to spend time with me, and he hints at a big future. We have been in love for seven months now. Evan, you simply are a genius!! I cannot thank you enough for the amazing work you wrote in WHD. I think you have helped me to find the one! Anna N. AI Found Myself A Gem!A AI got Why He Disappeared after meeting what I sensed was a lifetime-material man. There was one problem though, he needed to drop 20 pounds.A I'm very trim and was looking for the same.A I read enough of your materials to finally decide to give him a try.A He has a very handsome face so I decided to overlook the body.A He did mention the weight when we first met and how he is attempting to lose it so at least he wasn't in denial. I found myself a gem.A He is by far the most loving and caring man I've had in my life, and there have been a number.A We joined a gym together and work out three times a week.A� He's making progress and we're having fun.A I could have just said delete when I saw him but something filed away in my mind said give him a shot.A (I don't have to tell you that delete comes from being involved in on-line dating for quite a while.) Thanks for your wise counsel.A� He calls me the miracle that came into his life. Christina AIt's Good To Have This Information To Hold On ToA AHi Evan: Thank you so much for your insight and advise. I've overcome a great deal of obstacles after stumbling upon your work. One thing that I took away from it that has stuck in my head and in my heart is that, if a guy is not calling me, spending time with me, making plans to spend time with me or does not want a commitment, DUMP HIM (you're not giving up your future husband)! I can't tell you how timely that statement was because I was dealing with that exact situation, unsure, still holding on to an imaginary relationship, crying myself to sleep, confused, you know all the drama that comes along with those kind of men.A I have enjoyed your book tremendously and have learned so much from your blogs and I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you so much Evan for providing these tools at little or no cost, as times/finances are a little tight right now and it's good to have this information to hold on to and not have to suffer alone.A You are very much appreciated. Kind regards, Janus B. AI Am Becoming More Confident In MyselfA AHi Evan, I too ordered your book Why He Disappeared and read the entire thing the day I received it. What an eye opener! You know what you are talking about. I am becoming more confident in myself. I am also learning to convey that on dates. I am excited about the future. Mr. Right is out there for me and lookout, baby, here I come!!! Thanks Evan! God bless you! And keep helping this poor struggling woman out in Southern Indiana! Take care. Rebecca S. AYou May Have Just Helped Me Find Mr. RightA AI accepted a date from a guy I wasn't immediately attracted to, although he seemed nice enough and was good company. A Well, your advice worked! Having dated a long list of George Clooneys based on their devilish good looks - and being disappointed because they treated me like crap, I have now found my Mr. Wonderful. He treats me like a queen - trust me, I've been looking for red flags - but they're just not there. He brings me flowers, he looks into my eyes and talks to me with a smile, I can call him anytime of the day or night and he will answer his phone (something I wasn't able to do with the last couple of guys). We laugh, have fun, share similar interests, and he is totally amazing. Thank you Evan. The attraction is building and I think you may have just helped me find my Mr. Right :-) Much love, Amanda W. AIt Was My Saviour When Starting To Date AgainA AHi Evan, Just wanted to sincerely thank you for your fantastic advice in your book! It was my saviour recently when starting to date again. I work in a women's gym... and the advice I got from my members was very interesting and to be honestit stressed me out! Your book grounded me and helped me to see dating from a guy's point of view. When it didn't work out, I realised to not take it personally! I appreciate your honesty and enjoy your 'being blunt' at times! Wishing you health, wealth, prosperity, joy, love and happiness in 2011 :-) Carolyn M., Brisbane, Australia Home | Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | Contact Us | Affiliates Copyright E-Cyrano, Inc. All rights reserved.
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