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Time Management Course
Time Management Course Feeling Busy Overwhelmedb You Are About to Discover the Unique Productivity Secrets of some of the Worlds Most Highly Successful People . . .
Do You Want to Send Your Personal Productivity SKY-HIGH *Within One Week*b
Do You Want to Get Back In Control of Your Workload, Get More Done in Less Time, Be More Successful, AND Spend More Time With Family and Friendsb If You Have Answered YES, Then Just Give Me 7mins 7secs to Watch the Video Below, And I Will Give You At Least *500 Hours* of Productive Time Back A Year! Get the Flash Player to see this player. Can you relate to any of the following: No matter how hard you work, there seems to be a mountain of work to get doneb Do you often feel unproductive, as if you are just treading water despite working longer hoursb Do you finish work feeling unproductive and unfulfilledb Do you never seem to have time to do the important things and get bogged down with mundane tasksb Do you find you have so many distractions and interruptions stopping you from being productiveb Do you procrastinate but find it difficult to change your behavioursb Are you finding yourself working longer hours than you expected, leaving less time with family and friendsb Do you sometimes feel stressed out, overwhelmed, and exhausted after a day's workb Do you find it difficult to prioritise with so many different optionsb Do you find yourself reacting to situations constantly, and not really planning and prioritising the futureb Do you have too many emails clogging up your dayb Most People Do Not Manage Time Well... Leading to Lack Of Success Lack of Fulfilment in Life Many years ago I also faced all of these issues too, and I went on time management training courses, read the books, but none of it seemed to make any difference. I was just stressed out and confused, and that mountain of work was getting bigger and bigger! This was no way to live! And worst of all, these other time management courses made me feel worse and guilty. I was trying to put the tools into practice but nothing was really changing. I just gave up on myself, thinking I was a lost cause! Traditional Time Management Courses DonAt Work Because They DonAt Address The Most Important Characteristics of Highly Successful People. I spent years studying brain neurology and psychology to try and understand more about what makes us tick, and I started applying these insights to Time Management. I also studied how highly effective people think, work, and experience success in their lives. I put some of these findings into practice in my own life, and Suddenly my productivity went SKY-HIGH! I was achieving much more success in life, feeling relaxed as I worked, AND developing new businesses. And now I run multiple businesses simultaneously using these new skills. I canAt imagine working any other way! Once you work in this new way, you wonder how you ever got things done before! I have now spent over 10 years coaching and training Business Executives, Management Consultants, Senior Managers and Small Business Owners all over the world, and now this precious knowledge is available to you instantly. Imagine How You Would Feel If You Were Achieving Greater Success In Your Career, AND Having Time To Pursue New Goals, AND Have Time For A Personal Lifeb Imagine What You Could Achieve With These Powerful New Time Management Skills.. Experience That Fantastic Feeling of Being So Productive Each Day Achieve Greater and Greater Success In Your Work That You Know You Deserve e.g. Imagine Getting That Promotion, or Hitting That Sales Target, etc Feeling Uplifted That You Are Getting The Important Things Done That Add The Most Value Have More Success AND Have More Time to Spend with the People You Love, your Family and Friends Live The Life of Your Dreams, Keeping a Balance Between Time Spent At Work, and Time Spent Pursuing Your Interests Have the Time Skills and "Success Mindset"A to Launch a New Business Idea or New Initiative You Could Spend Less Time Working and More Time Relaxing by the Beach if That's What You Want In Life! Can You Really Afford to Be Without These Time Management Skillsb So What Are The Secretsb IAll tell you right now. The main secret to gaining ever greater success and rewards in life is to MANAGE YOUR PSYCHOLOGY. You canAt manage time, time is fixed! You can only manage yourself, but your behaviours are governed by your psychology, how you think and feel. Successful people, whether on purpose or by chance, have a certain way of thinking, feeling and organising their lives which creates even more success. Another secret is that whilst most people talk about AIdeasA, the small percentage of successful people are already putting those AIdeas Into Action!A They take MASSIVE DIRECT ACTION to achieve their goals. We are all great at ideas, but what matters is the ACTION you take. Most of us knowingly or unknowingly procrastinate about something that could bring success.and the biggest mistake we all make is to not understand and address the underlying psychology behind this. In order to do this, you have to manage the way the mind thinks and feels, and these skills can be learned quickly and easily. In Neuro-Lingustic Programming (NLP) this is called AModellingA A you can use the same strategies that highly successfully people use to create success, both in terms of their thoughts, their feelings, their actions, and their Advanced Time Management Skills. Highly Successful People also seem to have a way of constantly reassessing and refocusing their activities to CREATE VALUE. They are always focused on the bottom line, on where the most value will be created for a given task. That is a skill that can also be learned effectively with the right supporting Time Management System. The final secret is having a POWERFUL TIME MANAGEMENT SYSTEM in place that manages all aspects of your life. I have spent 10 years working with busy professionals and refining this system until it works for the vast majority of people. And most people report saving 1-2 Hours a day! Getting Your Time Management Right is The Difference Between Living a Life Of Quiet Desperation, or Living The Life Of Your Dreams. The ATurning Ideas Into ActionA (TIA) System is the most powerful Time Management Personal Effectiveness System ever devised, and is normally only reserved for small groups of 8 Senior Executives in large corporations at a time, until now. Feedback from testimonials "I was sceptical that anything could help me with my time management as I've been on courses before. However the TIA system is very unique and my day has completely changed. I like the fact that I'm much more aware of myself now and when I fall into bad habits, and I just feel more focused and less stressed. I can juggle demands very easily with the new system. Great stuff!"A P.M. IT Project Manager AThis is an excellent course that has been really valuable for me, it is really practical and IAve changed things right from day one.A A T.R. Finance Professional Corporations Spend Between $500 - $1000 Per Attendee To Send Someone To One Of My ATIAA Courses. Whyb Because They Know That Their Senior Managers Will At Least Double Their Effectiveness And Efficiency With These Powerful New Skills. Now it is available to you personally as an Interactive Video Training Course, with handouts, as if you were personally attending the training course yourself. In it I reveal all my Mind Management and Time Management Secrets. If you areA a full-time employee working for a large or small company, or are self-employed and/or work from home, this knowledge and set of tools will massively boost your productivity, whatever your current way of working. The Interactive Video Training Course Package includes: 7 Training Modules, over 4 and a half hours of interactive media-rich videoA training A comprehensive pack of worksheets and handouts Now I currently sell this package to a Corporate as a DVD pack costing $1000. I understand that for most people this is unaffordable, even though I believe the value that I am delivering is worth way more than $1000.. How Much Is *500 Hours Of Extra Productive Time* Worth to Youb Think Of How Much You Earn Per it $20, $50, $100, $250, $500 or even $1000b Now Multiply That By 500 Hours.ThatAs How Much This Course Is Worth For You! Based on that equation, for most people the course is worth tens of thousands of dollars, and most video courses of this length retail at around $1000. I was originally going to set the launch price for individuals at $197, after all I feel that I am delivering a huge amount of value. *** A MASSIVE DISCOUNT ***
But I am going to offer this video course for a short period of time for only $97! And I am so sure that you will love the training and find it incredibly powerful, I am offering a 60 Day Cast-Iron Money Back Guarantee.
Think about it, if you gain 500 hours of productive time a year, thats JUST 19 cents PER HOUR GAINED but think about what each extra hour is worth to youb! Only $97! 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
NOTE: PayPal is also supported. Just click on the PayPal tab in the checkout page! Once you have purchased the product, you will automatically be redirected to a product download page, where you will be able to download all the videos, the handouts and FREE BONUS audio products (see below). The video files will be Flash video FLV files which can be played in Windows Media Player. There will be exact instructions on the download page, as well as any technical support required. You can contact us on
So WhatAs In the Interactive Video Training Course and How Will It Help Meb
Here are The 7 Modules of The Turning Ideas Into Action (TIA) System Which Are Going To Send Your Productivity SKY-HIGH..
Click to Play a Video of the Course Contents Get the Flash Player to see this player. So Lets Briefly Run Through a Nutshell Version Of Each Module, And Take a Sneak Peek At What Lies Inside MODULE 1 In this first section , you will learn the KEY TIME MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES that are crucial to making powerful changes in your life   It will give you comprehensive and critical information on understanding your own psychology, revealing how to use these principles to implement all of our time management secrets and techniques in the rest of the modules. After completing this module... You'll have a firm grasp of how the training videos will work and the THREE exact steps you MUST take first in order to guarantee success. You'll understand the 6 key ways of how you can literally double your productivity using some key clinically researched principles from psychology Plus, you'll be fully armed and ready to power onto the next stage of the process and get your new Time Management System set up fast. MODULE 2 - Get Organised Productive Module 2 will take you through THE MOST POWERFUL AND COMPREHENSIVE TIME MANAGEMENT SYSTEM EVER DEVISED It will give you a practical intuitive Time Management system that can fit in easily with your existing system, and wonAt take up any more time than your existing way of doing things. YouAll find it so powerful that in itself it will save you at least 1-2 hours a day, and allow you to achieve much more in a day. After completing this module... You'll have a revolutionary way of organising yourself that takes many aspects of human psychology into account You'll feel so productive each day that youAll wonder how you ever coped before the ATIAA System YouAll find it easy to deal with multiple tasks coming your way, and find time to prioritise the tasks that impact most on your productivity MODULE 3 A Banish Procrastination Module 3 will bring you crystal sharp awareness of how you might be procrastinating every day without realizing it, severely impacting on your productivity. After completing this module... You'll understand how procrastination can rob you of performing at your peak each day, and the subtle ways it manifests itself. You'll discover the secrets of how highly successful people motivate themselves to Turn Ideas Into Action and banish procrastination from their lives YouAll master 10 powerful ways of banishing procrastination instantly, making you feel incredibly productive every day MODULE 4 - Efffective Productive Action Meetings Module 4 will make your interactions with people highly efficient, both in meetings or when speaking to people on the phone. After completing this module... You'll know the three key meeting pitfalls to avoid, and how most traditional meetings are set up to fail. You'll discover the 'TOTAL' Agenda System which can literally halve the amount of time you spend in meetings, and phone calls. YouAll master key ways to have productive meetings where action points are clear and decisions are reached quickly MODULE 5 A Dealing With ATime StealersA There are so many aspects of our working lives that rob us of productive time. Sometimes we are not even aware of them, but Module 5 will jump-start a whole new way of working based on years of psychological research. After completing this module... You will have all the key skills to manage the interruptions and distractions which rob us of time You'll discover the secrets of how highly successful people create value each day based on the AFlow StateA, a state of being where we can double or triple our output and productivity. YouAll master many other Time Stealers including How to Say ANoA, Effective Delegation, How to Be On Time, How To Prevent Work Overload, How to Reduce Stress, Effective Team Working and much much more! MODULE 6 A Efficient Email System Most people are bogged down by email, but you will learn the secrets of how to be a fantastically efficient email manager, based on 10 years of research. After completing this module... You'll have a firm grasp of how to manage an overflowing inbox effectively, and spend less time on email to boost overall output You'll understand the 6 key ways to improve the clarity of communication in your emails The secrets of how highly successful business people use email.the answers will surprise you! MODULE 7 A Putting It All Together This Time Management Training Course is SO practical that this section shows you how you can implement all the positive changes in your life within hours, so you can wake up the next day enthused and ready for a productive day. After completing this module... You'll be clear on how to make powerful changes to your life on Day 1 and be twice as productive than you were before! You'll understand how to integrate the amazing behavioural and psychological changes in your life within the course. You are now a fantastic Time Manager! Any one of these Modules would be worth more than $97 in themselves, given the value they create in peopleAs lives. But as mentioned, I am going to offer this video course for a short period of time for only $97! And I am so sure that you will love the training and find it incredibly powerful, I am offering a 60 Day Cast-Iron Money Back Guarantee. Only $97! 60 Day Money Back Guarantee NOTE: PayPal is also supported. Just click on the PayPal tab in the checkout page! BONUS NO.1 - DAILY VISUALISATION EXERCISE This is an Audio Brain Retraining Exercise that will train your mind for success every day, helping you banish procrastination from your life, and be so productive. The brain can't always tell the difference between what is imagined and what is real. By training the brain before you even start work, you can get it used to the feeling of being productive!'ll be amazed what an impact such a simple exercise has on your day! Only $97! 60 Day Money Back Guarantee BONUS NO.2 - MEDITATION EXERCISE This is an Audio Meditation Exercise that will train your mind to be calm and collected in the midst of a busy day, and this exercise has been clinically proven to increase well-being, increase focus, reduce stress and increase productivity. Only $97! 60 Day Money Back Guarantee Once you have purchased the product, you will automatically be redirected to a product download page, where you will be able to download all the videos, the handouts and FREE BONUS audio products. The video files will be Flash video FLV files which can be played in Windows Media Player. There will be exact instructions on the download page, as well as any technical support required. You can contact us on Feedback from testimonials AI have to say that I am really benefiting from the workshop you ran at Oxford, and in particular from the 5 Minute Manager. Already I feel calmer, and more on top of my workload, and it is true to say that I have been able to tackle some of the bigger topics that I had been putting off. Thanks!A N.R. DirectorA "With the TIA system, I have been able to get more focused and get on with things - it's great to feel much more productive each day. I have literally doubled my productivity!"A J.B., Management ConsultantA I really hope you will invest in this ground-breaking Training Course. I give you my personal 100% guarantee that you will become so much more productive, and save time in your life to pursue whatAs important to you. Just remind yourself of what 500 hours of extra time can do for you in your life. And realise that when you gain 500 extra hours of productive time in your life per year, that only works out as 19 cents per hour gained! Never mind the 500 hours you will gain each year for the rest of your life! Remember, I am only going to offer this video course for a short period of time for only $97! Only $97! 60 Day Money Back Guarantee 2010 TimeManagementCourse.TV | design by Drijen Designs Main | Affiliate Programme | Privacy Policy | Terms and Conditions | Disclaimer | Contact
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