Thursday, June 6, 2013

Subliminal Messages And Hypnosis To Make Money

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Subliminal Messages And Hypnosis To Make Money
Subliminal Messages and Hypnosis to Make Money A HypnoSubliminal is a downloadable audio session in MP3 format that utilizes cutting edge technology to directly target the subconscious mind. HypnoSubliminals send subliminal messages that bypass your conscious mind and reach the core of your subconscious where habits, behaviors and limiting thoughts stem from. By reaching so deep into the core of your mind, HypnoSubliminals create INSTANT and long lasting results. Much like during hypnosis, the person isn't fully aware of the messages being transmittied, but HypnoSubliminals have proven even more effective than regular hypnosis. The HypnoSubliminal Money Attractor was designed to bypass your conscious mind and re-program your mind to attract money into your life. Quantum Physics has proven that thoughts are things. Once your mind is reprogrammed to become a money attracting machine, money will suddenly start coming into your life. You'll have money coming in such abundance that you'll wonder where it's been your whole life! This is Not Hocus Pocus Mumbo Jumbo. The HypnoSubliminal Money Attractor Utililizes Scientific Techniques Combining Subliminal Subconscious Programming, Hypnosis, Direct Suggestion and The Secret Law of Attraction! The HypnoSubliminal session is accompanied by a music overlay which makes the listening experience pleasant and help your brainwaves relax which opens your mind to receive the desired information. Along with the subliminal messages, the HypnoSubliminal session also uses DIRECT SUGGESTIONS AND AFFIRMATIONS that are picked up by your ears (similar to those you'd experience in a traditional hypnotherapy session). By combining the best of traditional hypnotherapy and cutting edge, advanced subliminal techiques you are guaranteed to feel EXTREME results after listening to the HypnoSubliminal session just once - but you can listen to it as much as you want to maximize effects. Your conscious mind will hear mainly music and will pick up some of the messages, but your subconscious will hear everything. The process of rewriting limiting self beliefs, negative behavior patterns and old ways of negative thinking will begin immediately. You can develop in ways which simply would not be possible with conscious personal development. The HypnoSubliminal session uses a series of subliminal techniques to ensure the desired messages and affirmations bypass your logical mind and reach your subconscious mind. One technique involves playing the subliminal messages at different frequencies and decibel levels than the foreground music making them virtually undetectable to your logical mind but completely detectable to your subconscious. Your ears won't pick up many of these messages but your subconscious mind definitely will. Neuro research suggests that different areas of the brain respond to different frequency patterns. The HypnoSubliminal session uses different frequencies to tap into different parts of the brain and appropriately reprogram the mind to be more effective! Your brain will be filled with the the thoughts that extremely successful people like Bill Gates and Warren Buffett already have. Your brain will become infused with the millionaire mindset and you'll begin to spontaneously attract money into your life. THE HYNPOSUBLIMINAL UTILIZIES ALPHA AND THETA WAVES: BETA WAVES - 14Hz to 20Hz. Beta waves are associated with normal consciousness. They are present during every day activies. ALPHA WAVES - 8Hz to 13Hz. Alpha waves are likened to a light meditation. They are prevalent when you daydream. THETA WAVES - 4Hz to 7Hz. Theta waves occur during heightened states of creativity and are found with a deep meditative state. Another technique is stereo confusion which involves playing different affirmations and suggestions into each ear at the same time which confuses the conscious mind while the subconscious mind can easily make the distinction and get the message. The HypnoSubliminal session uses these techniques and more to make a super-powerful audio program that delivers THOUSANDS of subliminal messages direct to your subconscious mind. The HypnoSubliminal session literally bombards the brain with so much instruction and positive programming that it has no choice but to respond! It hits the brain on so many levels that it's impossible for you not to see EXTREME and LONG-LASTING change. The HypnoSubliminal Money Attractor audio program will work even if you just listen to it once but it's recommended that you listen to it a few times a week for even more dramatic effects. Your subconscious mind accepts what it is told blindly. It doesn't question things like your conscious mind does. Therefore when your subconscious mind is bombarded by messages like, I Am Very Focused or Start Eating Healthier, it doesn't question the command. It simply listens and obeys! The use of subliminal messages are so powerful that they've been BANNED from being used in advertisements in the United States due to their ability to influence the human mind! (note: They are completely legal for personal use) Thousands of studies have been done proving the effectiveness of subliminal messages. In one study, behavioral scientist Dr. Hal Becker asked control groups to guess a three-digit number. The experimental group was exposed to the number subliminally embedded in behind a pink noise (similar to white noise) based audio track.In three different trials an average of 77% of people exposed to the subliminal numbers guessed correctly, in comparison to only 10% of people in the control groups who weren't exposed subliminally to the numbers. This confirms that subliminal messages are picked up by the subconscious mind. In one 1980 study, New York university psychologist, Dr. Lloyd Silverman incorporated subliminal messages into a treatment of half of a group of smokers who were trying to quit smoking using behavior modification therapy. One month after treatment ended, 66% of the group exposed to the subliminal messages were still nonsmokers, compared with 13% of the control group. In an experiment done by a major medical journal, people were tested for their darts accuracy. They were exposed to these subliminal messages; Beating him is OK, Beating him is wrong, and a neutral control message of People are walking. Results showed that people exposed to the message Beating him is OK showed a MUCH greater dart-throwing accuracy than people listening to any other messages. We get hundreds of thank you emails every month from people who got great results from the HypnoSubliminal Money Attractor Audio Program. The following are from some people that were kind of enough to send us thank you videos. If you want to thank us, we'd love for you to send us a written testimonial or a video too! These HypnoSubliminal users sent us emails telling us how much they liked the program. We asked them if they'd mind giving us a phone call so we could record audio testimonials and they gladly did so. Thank you Sharon and Steve! We greatly appreciate you taking the time out to do this for us. What they and so many other users of the program always stress is how quickly they feel a change. Most people are shocked at how powerful the program is: The special sale price of $37 is only good until at Midnight. After that it goes back to its original price of $69.99 This HypnoSubliminal audio session comes with a 30-Day FULL MONEY BACK GUARANTEE - So you can try it out risk free.We are that confident that it will bring you the results you desire and beyond. Copyright 2011 HypnoSubliminals Affiliates

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